Wittmann's Last Ride

I didnt know this part of it at all :eek: thrust a green horn to miss up like that !
Its such an interesting topic to debate,me and a mate talked long into small hours about wittmann after telling him about this build, so 70years he still genterates the same level of interest

looking forward to more

Here's one that's short & Sweet !!

I've just finished up some work on th Rear Stowage Box. I used the one that came in th Verlinden Tiger I Detail set . It can be posed open to show off some stowage in the Box !!!! I also sourced some spare Hinges to attach to the Doors. The ones that came in th Verlinden set were not up to Snuff ! The Clasps themselves are kit P.E. !! There's even 2 styrene locks with brass closures that came in the Wittmann kit !! The front Clasps are somewhat workable , but they weren't designed very well , so just a partial working clasp !! Same with th hinges on the Doors. I still had to make them but since the door is a certain thickness, I didn't off-set th hinge enough to make it work ..... Any way .......

A Box for Wittmann's Stuff !!!


Here's a shot of the kit supplied P.E. clasps that go on th front of the Box


It's fairly easy to make the clasp workable. Just squeeze th tabs !!


These are th sourced hinges from some left over Griffon P.E.


Everything's on ... ready to prime !! There are the Kit supplied Locks ... Just to keep
everyone honest ... " Hey ... Don't touch My Stuff "


A close up of th Lock & partially working Clasps !!


Sittin' pretty with a shot of Vallejo's Black Primer !!!


Well that's all for now ..... I've started working on th Figures .. that'll be th next installment as well as .... Sealing up the Tiger !!! With some more STUFF added to th Interior !!

Now let's go to th Pub & check the storage of that 12oz container !!!

The Trooper Iron Maiden Live After Death
ahh good update. i suck totally at photoetch. i even have all the toools and magnifying goggles..i still suck. so cheers to you! 668...Neighbor of the Beast!

Hat Off, Erik, Hat Off... :eek:

Whet you´ve done there... well, thats literally Sci-Fi for me...

Should I´ve tried to do that, I would have ended with some trash looking like Spaghetti Bologna. ;D

;D I belive that you must seriously think in retiring from modelling now, that you´re in the cenith... ;D ;D
Salud, Erik, Gran Trabajo [ Cheers, Erik, a Great Work ] ;)
omg dude how can you work with pe so small your making me look bad!!
First class job with the clasps my good man ;D...Those things are Tiiiiiiny !!!! Looking forward to the figs .Keep her rollin man ;)

Love those tinny Pad locks... LOL :eek:

Keep going.. . very interesting all the mods this kit is going thru...

going to be a heck of a show piece !

if you don't mind me asking.... what so special about Valejo Primers...???
Good Moooooornin' SMA ! Happy Friday !!

Thanx for all of the kind words , Much appreciated !! Tiny Indeed ! I had to call in th Big Guns - The Opti-Visor ... Fo-Sho !!

@SCHWEINHUND - I'll tell ya what I really like about th Vallejo Primer.
1) It's ready to go right out of the bottle - I will add a few drops of thinner , but that's it !

2) No Obnoxious smell = I won't drive th rest of the family out of th House when I shoot it & I can stay @ th Bench while Priming !! ..... as aposed to having to go outside & shoot others that are Lacquer based.

3) Goes on super thin, super smooth & is Super Tuff (I think b/c it's Polyurethane ??)

4) Best of all it's Acrylic !!! Easy to clean th AB out - I just used distilled water & I'm done !! NO Crazy Solvents that may break down th gaskets/O-rings in th 'ol AB !

5) I've also brush painted th primer too. It's a touch thin, but you can really get some thin coats on stuff you can't quite get to with an AB !! - some of the Turret of Wittmann's Tiger was like that .

I use the Black Primer as a Pre-Shade .... a tip I picked up from ScaleModelMadMan !! Since Vallejo has some other Cool colors I could use them as My base coat & start to weather from th word GO !! Th Drying time is relatively fast. I've actually started painting on a piece in as little as a 1/2 hour ! But normally I'll give her at least a few hours - 24 hours preferred !

I really do think this Primer is th Best !! I highly recommend it !

Well continuing with th Tiny theme ....

Ryan Adams and Elton John: Tiny Dancer live
That box looks awesome dude!!! Love those mini locks!!! This build is gonna look kickin' when done!!! ;)

PM Sent.........
i have the grey and german red brown primers and love them, being able to stay at the bench is a + when its raining :)
The detail you're packing into this amazes me.
Those hinges are incredible, as is the little padlock
Bump ... ;D.....pics.....pics....pics ;D

I WANT MORE, I want more ::)
Get the hair out of your eyes and get us some updates dude. ;D

Tony lee
Updates will be forth coming. I've got a touch more of personal stowage & gear to add before I can button Her up. I've shot th Lower Hull in Vallejo Primer ... I've shot th Wheels in Vallejo & added some AK Dark Steel Pigments to th wheels to show wear .... stay tuned ...

Patience My young Padawans .... ;D ...

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