MPC Millennium Falcon

Did a little cutting and piecing together to see if I'm on the right track. I think I may be. Just need to get all my dimensions for the cockpit tube straight and decide how high I want the canopy tunnel to be raised. Then start wedging in some styrene and cutting some armor plates to cover it all. I just hit up Walmart and got a few "for sale" signs in what I think is about half mil thickness. Perfect for the small curved plates. Thanks Jaitea for the tips on cutting from the inside out! That made it look so much neater than if I would have cut from the outside. Here's where I'm at. Any suggestions please let er rip.
Thanks for looking.

I'd blank it out from the backside, giving you a nice clean front side to add the plates, building up to the outside diameter, in keeping with the current panel lines. You'll obviously have a seam running the length of the tube that needs attention after.
Thanks Scott,
the seam down the middle needing attention....You mean the long seam with the greebles and detail stuff in it? If that's what you mean I'm with you.
Yeah I'm talking about the seam where the hole is now, along the length of the corridor. Once you build that up, add new detail you'll want to make the obvious mod invisible.

I know you know this. I'm likely confusing the matter.
Cool. I'm impressed that you're takin this work on. It's ballsy. I know it will pay off big time.
Ohhhh, looking so cool Jake

I'll do some measurements tonight for how high my walkway ended up and other parts

Brilliant mate

Dang Jake! I'm just about finished with my MPC falcon. After looking at this I might chuck it out the window. Great work.
Don't do it Ozz! ;D Your work is excellent!!! Besides, if I mess mine up it may very well make its first flight through the air out MY window!
I'm on a tare, so this is just a quick post. Scott I filled the gap much the same way we did on our X-wing fuselage. couldn't resist putting some details in after I finished the armor.

I'm stopping in this area for now. Here is the tunnel in primer.
Thanks for all the support guys!

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