merseajohn's Fine Molds 1/144 Slave 1

Spot on, man. Once again. So a pin wash is basically dipping a pin in the wash, then running it through the panel lines, right? I've only done general washes where the extra gets dabbed/rubbed off... :-\
I wouldn't worry about washing every panel line John.

I know what you mean about the road map effect and it can look over done, but on this build it looks beautiful.

It really brings out the details and makes this look like its a much larger scale than 1/144.

Reall nice work can;t wait to see it finished
I'd say that is a perfect looking wash. At least to my eye it is!

Really nice job, buddy, this thing is a feast for the eyes. So much going on. Can't wait for the finish.
Thanks guys that's what I wanted to hear lol!, Nicholassagan a pin wash is just touching the surface with your brush and letting the wash flow into the panel lines (preferably a glossy surface so it runs well) and then take your q tip and rub off the excess.
Here's the latest guys, got the back panels weathered using AK products and some mig wash:
Got the AK interactive streaking (winter grime and normal grime) on the body:
Thankyou so much for the kind words again guys, it really gives you a much needed boost lol.
Anyway not much to report as of todays work...
Just some pre shading on the rear back plate shot through the awesome velocity!!!! 8) Well the site IS sponsered by badger right!?
Proper update should be tomorrow night when hopefully there'll be a little suprise :p
Like this superb preshading!
And like surprises!...
Can't wait! Tomorrow, please, hurry up, come happen sooner ;D
More tiny pre-shading! Nice, John. 8)

Why did you have tell us there's a surprise!? I'll be up all night wondering what it is now! ;D

Is it tomorrow yet?
Cheers derex3592, Igard, Scott and Sol sorry to dissapoint but the stuff I ordered hasnt turned up yet :mad:
But I have been working away! Here's the evidence:
Got the bottom base coat on:
Some tricky masking is required at this stage (it's alot easier on the 1/72nd!)
And got the wing insert plates all weathered up ;D
And the dish to:
It's TINY!
Hope you like it and comment if you can bothered lol! :p
This thing looks waaaayy bigger than it really is. Excellent work!

It must be lights. No it's way too small for lights. Is it? No. Maybe. Can't be.... :-\
Naw, it ain't too small for lights. There is plenty of room in there for a few LEDs and a battery. You'll see. I'll bet John had the engine parts farmed out to be cast in clear.

MJ, how are you going to do the cockpit lighting? Will there just be a 'red glow' coming from the seams or something? That's what I'd do anyway...

Well, whether or not this thing is lit...amazing is an adjective that doesn't even begin to cover the level of quality...

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