Scott's Speeder Bike

Thanks guys. One step at a time....and fingers crossed a wee bit.

Here's tonight progress. Super Sculpy to start to flesh this out a bit and I've decided to go with the kit boots. I will add tread to them, the top flap and a new holster.


I'm going to quote myself from SSM. "Somehow looks a little perverted and Tim Burton-ish at the same time."
Fair play to you for having a go at sculpting your own figure scott.
Ive been tempted to have a go for a while, now i can watch your tutorial first!

Looking good so far though
I think the Rear Shooting Scout would be best for a pose ! I know it has been done Hundreds of time.... but it is so Life like !!! very Dynamic ! I am sure you agree !

(IF) you can still move your "PUTTY BASE" layer? I would ! Why shoot "forward" with a small boot blaster, when you have a Large caliber weapon in the front of your Bike ?
I know someone here will argue... cuz he can !!! nuff said ! Have at it Scott.... I guess you've waited long enough ??? my Bad !

That is a cool pose. Mine will be more to the side, looking a bit into the turn he's taking. The idea is too be aiming 'at the viewer' a bit, and interacting with the guy looking at the model -

...that's the plan at least, lol.
Scott you have a great base to build that figure upon, congrats for taking the bull by the balls. this iss going to be a major learing curve im sure good luck with it,
Thanks friends! I appreciate the encouragement butt I can't seem to stop LOLing as I get ready to post these pics. LOL.

OK, so I watched several sculpting videos on whoTube? and noted that the guys that rock it always work from anatomy. Bones, muscles, skin, clothes etc... So I printed out a couple human muscle reference pics and tried to add some muscle groups.

Here are some pics.


Ok, so now that you've had a good chuckle here he is on the bike with some kit armor thrown on to help you He's not really seated...kinda standing...not awesome but too late to turn the other cheek now.



edit. since this pic I've modified the pose just a bit so he's seated forward just a bit more, get the rear of that seat out of his but you know it might not be a bad idea to do that.
Scott don't kid yourself that sculpting looks the part. Actually it's perfect for what your doing because once you get that armor on him it's gonna take on a phenomenal look. Doesn't look so Tim Burton-ish anymore. Closer to a bike-riding streaker from 1974. Bike riding streaker? Yeah, I said that ::)
That figure looks good! But when I first saw it with the helmet I thought female not male. I wonder why?
lol sculpting aint for every man scott and you are doing a fantastic job
Thanks guys. It's coming along, lots left though.

Last night I started working on adding a tread to the boots. Not finished but one more session and they should be done.

Thanks guys.

Tonight. Got the treads on the boots and tried pants. Aves pants. Hopefully the kneepads and other armor, belt will hide some of this...





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Yeah it looks wicked! Dunno Why you'd want to hide it lol. Is there no end to this mans talent!

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