Mak " GIRAFFE " -- ECM Camel

Assembling the other end in situ is problematic and annoying .. :(

I was convinced I wouldn't be able to get it anchored right at the correct length if I didn't anchor the tank first .
.. I don't know why ::)

I could uv , should uv :p

This end will have an additional piece making it a bit longer ( why it looks too short ) :

20151126_190009_zpsdjk3saxf.jpg 20151126_192957_zpso5vee41a.jpg20151126_195357_zps7xzlreax.jpg20151128_125014_zps96wvzyle.jpg

I picked this stuff up today --- I didn't know water mixable oils were a thing . I should get out more ::)


I'll be using it in the weathering process.


I joined the torso and legs together long ago


I'm not using the helmet so I removed material from around his neck -- it was just flat ( sorry , no photo ) -- - to make it work .


But I don't want to install him seated in the cockpit now --- kinda never did :p

So I'm going to cut him up and repose him -- placed where Franz is standing below :


Below ,
If you picture his legs extended to standing -- probably bending some due to his torso position -- adjusting the Knee Lamp or .. ::)


I might do a different base --- but I definitly want him outside ..
.. I thought about posing him on the port side operating the manifold valves .

I'd like to have the contrast of his flight suit against the Giraffe .

The port leg still needs some foot rungs that serve that purpose .... climbing up top .

Suggestions very welcome ;D

... been working on various details .

The additional resin bolts to complete the scissor lift have arrived at Hobby Link Japan ;D ;D ;D ;D

.. I should be shipping about the 15th -- so the Giraffe will be complete before the New Year !
Very Cool ;D

I decided to pose the pilot walking up to the Giraffe preparing to do a pre-flight inspection .
With a light in one hand and a clipboard in the other .
Probably .
So a new, larger base is in order . I have ideas ;D . Circular - ish , most likely . 1/4" steel most definitely ;) .
The pilot will have magnets in the right sole ... with his left foot up - mid stride .



This is when the ultrasonic knife rocks !
In fact -- re-working 1/35 figures is what I bought it for ;) .

Hollowed out the tops of the upper and lower legs and then test-fit and adjusted ..


Then assembled using 4mm tube and 1.5mm rod


some walking shots


I definitely need to adjust his right foot downward a little to fall flat
... and of course remove the excess material at his middle .

then the arms ,,

I plan on using one or more of these air-dry modeling clays -- all complete unknowns to Uru


..but if that little bear can do it . . . . maybe I should start with that one :p

Cheers ,
Uru MoMo
Removed right foot and fitted it with 3mm diameter neodymium magnets :


Foot re-positioned toe-down and rotated outward a bit
Gap filled with .5 & .75mm rod .


Dry-Time ....
Thank you Belugawrx !

I quarantined the pilot until that right foot redo has completely cured .
That was a really super-saturated joint .
Anxious to get back on it today .

I also have Future drying on the gauge for the forward tank ( lens ) , , along with the cockpit monitor .

. . need to push myself to finish up the strap connectors for the tanks .. ::) :p

Added lifting points for the cockpit .. . and finally know how to display this with the canopy removed - that makes sense ;D
Gonna be cool ;)

Cheers ,
I have a question .

Now that I will be displaying the cockpit canopy (?) moon-screen , whatever , detached -

I want to change it's transparency .
Ideally , a silver window tint 8)

I don't know of any films that could come close to negotiating the curvy geometry but I am often amazed .

It could be an airbrush applied coating ??? as long as it is transparent .

Good time to experiment with our friend Future ;D
Ever do any metallics in the stuff ?? LrdSatyr8 ? :)

First off - I must say that I am impressed with the moon-screen . It is flawless and fits absolutely perfectly .


I can practice on the A-10 canopy in the background , , since she's autonomous now


As long as it remains transparent .. even real close to translucent :p
I can do a colored tint - probably greenish -- if I can't pull off the metallic .

Any info will be very appreciated ,
Ahhhh...this is cool as hell......But.......what is it??? ;D ;D ;D
Hey Baron ! ;D

What Is It ?? ! Mr Krebs ?

From the Box : ( quite the translation ... ::) -- it took me a bit to figure out )

Have fun ... . ;D

Crank Your Magnification Up And GET READY !! :-*



:eek: :eek: :eek: Need some aspirin ?

This is a photocopy , the box is long gone :-[ . sorry for the blury part . It's 2886 , and - yes it says " larger attack " ;D

These things don't seem military at all . I'm guessing the Mercs just modified existing commercial craft used for Lunar geological surveys and station inspections .
... from a mining operation .
It's always a mining operation ;)
Moon Minerals & such ...
Ahhh, so it isn't an obscure television show or movie that I missed. :)

Cool none the less. :)
Part of this universe :
Check out this forum, too:

The gentleman who maintains it is also a member the Herd, as "MaschinenKrueger", I think, is his handle.
:eek: :eek:

;D - yEAH , MAN .

Brian and I conversed in this very thread already

I'm posting this over there when it's done .
It's going to be a hanger dio .

;D You know - honestly - stumbling across his site 3, 3.5 years ago is what got me back into modeling .
It set me free ! ;) ;D ;D
Update .

How she looks now : ( the cockpit and struts are just dry-fit )


I need to install this valve assembly onto the forward tank -- Future drying - still


What a mess !


I did a little fill-in on the pilot . Concentrating on him tomorrow .


This thing is hard to photograph . at least with the phone :p
It definitely needs mondo filter and weathering it actually looks better in the flesh ;D

I've got some 2 and 3 mm seat-belt material in my next HLJ order ...

be using it for the straps for this tank :

Very cool .
Thank you Belugawrx ;D
Very glad to have your viewership !

... Honestly -- it's looking all weird & wrong to me now ::) :p

I think it just needs a bunch of filter and washes to bring it together --- it looks garish to me it the pics , , I very much prefer to gaze upon it from in front of the bench ;)

Plus -- I've been working on it apart from the cockpit and fitting it up late last night for pics screwed my mind up . I think :eek: ;D

This morning I painted a piece of that textured plastic used for fluorescent light lenses - white - to use as a backdrop for photos .
That way I can move the camera further away and see if I can produce some better pics :p

See Ya tonight !

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