AMT Trek K'Tinga ST: The Motion Picture

Great job with the fibre optics and all that hole drilling. That wireform looks like neat stuff. I once spent about £15 on a small amount of brass mesh once for a build. That stuff looks every bit as good and most probably cheaper too.

Sorry to hear about all the problems. I've never worked with resin before, but I've heard it doesn't behave quite the same as plastic when you glue it. That might be where the problems lie.

Ok mate, keep up the good work, you're gonna get there I know it. :)
Thanks Igard. I'm stumbling through this.
So after a night of sleeping on this I woke up this morning thinking "Acetone". It de-bonds CA. Figured I'd give it a whirl. So this is the bulb and command deck I mistakenly glued.


And after about 10-15 minutes of applying Acetone with an old brush, a needle chucked into my pinvise, and an X-Acto blade. I have separation!


Now I broke off an end piece off both halves of the bulb but I'll have to mend that as best I can. I think this can work. I'll also have to test run my lighting again to find out where things have gone amiss.
Yeah, there are days when it seems that absolutely everything is going WRONG..
Sorry to hear that You are encountering one of such moments, buddy.
However, this build's progress is still mind-blowing awesome, and I have not a single doubt that You would deal with all the troubles with no time.
Keep it up, hang on, and soon You'd see this masterpiece complete laying in your hands ;)
Good job getting all this debonded, Glor. Hang in there man. This'll be worth it I'm sure of it. :)
Dear Glor.

It seams as if everyone is building one of these at the mo, yet you have stopped?

I have just got one from evilbay, and need to know how to work that delightful bridge.

come oooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn son ;)