Working with Model Master Metalizers [Vid]


New Member
Jan 22, 2011
I finally got my videos done on how I work with Model Master Metalizers.

Hope this is useful to someone who is curious about them or to someone who might be having issues with them.

I have used them extensively over the years on my scale flying missiles and rockets , and kind of settled on what works for me and what doesn't .Same techniques work with static models , not much difference if any.

The biggest issue some may have is trying to squash it thru a extra fine needled airbrush ,, than trying to "fix" it with thinner.. if a very fine line or some type of misy fading result is desired , than try to utilize any myriad of hard/soft masking techniques.or use a product that would be more useful in achieving the desired result the paints will degrade rapidly when thinned down... than it's all down hill from there.
*** this is the way it works for me ,, results may vary.

as always- comment please.

Airbrushing Metalizer Pt 1

Airbrushing Metalizer Pt 2

Metalizer Instructions-

Klaus Raddatz's tips on using the Paasche H for metalizers-
Thank you for making this!

I only have one question: What do you use for a thinner to clean up after you are done?
Thank you for telling me this, I need to get some of that mythical laquer thinner.

And since you got me started on that createx cleaner, my air brush has not once been broken down for a deep cleaning. Good stuff!
Thanks RocketSilo,

Interesting way you done this.
I've had bad experiences with Metalizers before (Testors and Humbrol). As a result I avoid metal finishes, however I'm now tempted to try again after seeing this.

Do you seal your finishes afterwards ?
I've heard people using a Metalizer sealing coat afterwards.
nope ... no handles fine without it

however if your doing a large surface , like a p51-mustang, I imagine sealer will be beneficial
Excellent tips and videos mate. I have never used metalizers but if this is what you can expect from them then I can see me using them in the future.


Thanks for the vids I'm getting ready to metalize some parts and your vids really took the scare factor down. I have never used any metalizers before but want to try it. My plastic aluminum slots thank you.
Yes, thank you very much rocket man! I've had a P51 for almost two years. I want a NM finish but wasn't really sure how to go about it. After watching your videos, I think I should be able to pull it off. So happy this got bumped back up. Thanks again!!
Thanks for doing up the videos and posting them Rocketsilo. Very helpful. :)
Thanks guys ... I thought this was lost to the ... hope it works for everyone or I'm in trouble now.. :D