SS Tank Commander (Bust )

Only problem I can see with them right off is that the lining around them looks too pronounced.
Excellent work, otherwise
Thanks guys .

Q...The line round the eye will disappear when I start with the oils ,its just the way I do it , it'll come together ;)

Sorry fella's ,no more updates till next week ...Im off to Euro Militaire for the weekend ;D

Chris, You and the fellas have an awesome time at Euro!!! I expaect lots of pics my friend!!! Do you have extra quid to Bail Dicky out of the pokey???? ;)
(((lol))) Hopefully he'll bring his running shoes with him and wont get caught ;D, yeah there'll be pics ...before & after

Chris S said:
Thanks Biskup ;D

Ok ...Eyes first......


These are done just as described in my how to thread ,not entirely happy with them so they may get done again ::)



Cool lookin' bust ! I say leave his face like this ! He could've just emerged from th Coal Fields of Hungrey & after taking off his Goggles ! ;D ......

Great start .... I'm lookin forward to watchin this develop ! It's a great lookin' casting !
(((lol)))....Very good Erik ;D...I actually basecoated the face today ,so hopefully start slapping some oils on tomorrow ;)

spud said:
Paint!!!! Paint!!!! Paint!!!! Paint!!!!

Slave driver ...get the whip out why dont ya ;D, I actually have been working on this guy too ,get some pics up tomorrow ,most of the oil work is done on the face ;)

sweet. been tempted to get a bust but it will have to be a cheap one to practice on :)
in case anyone was wondering this bust/kit is not suitable for children!!!

now that thats out of the way, nice job !I amazed at watching figures being painted with oil...maybe some day i will learn this technique.
I'd best put it quietly back in the box then ::)

LOL ya chris get cracking it not like you have a life of anything like that..
Thought I'd better get this moving again ....just to shut Spud up ;D ;D :p

This is the face after the first sitting with the oils ,still lots to do in the next sitting which will see the face come to life with a lot more colour and detailing .


Im doing the second stage today ,and also working on his cap ,so more pics tomrrow ;)

Thanks for looking.
Great to see this one up and running again Mr. S!! Looking very nice to boot!! ;)
Looking good Chris, I was begining to think he got KIA'ed

I'm glad to see you back on this!

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