Scott's new mancave

Thanks guys. Tonight is a busy night however hopefully I'll get started on the bench. I need to get me a cordless drill. Had a drill, drill died, no drill, need a new one.
Looks very professional. Cant wait to see what the finished product looks like! The color combo with the floor gives it a classy look. Are all the desks, appliances and cabinets going to match ???
The furniture will be more or less DIY. I have solid core doors for the worksurface (which I'll repaint) and lots of other pieces of furniture that I've collected over the years. I'm going to try and give it a garage/worshop feel....

My main goal with this is to have a clean, well lit space. In my last 2 mancaves I tried to create a grungy look, but the problem was that it wasn't easy to keep dust free. This time I want to have a space that's kept dust free, clean and ergonomic so I can get more done when I'm there.

I do realize that the space only plays a part in my efficiency. ;)
Yup! ;D

Starting on the primary bench. I ripped some 2x6 and I'm using old doors for the work surface.



Now I have to frame 'legs'. I'm going to add a 90degree return. My space is on the left and the kids/visitors space is on the right.
Wicked Scott!! Love it! You should have been an interior they even have those in Canada? LOL!!! Nice and level!!! ;D
True, true. ;)

So I had picked up 2 bookshelves during the last 'big garbage' (where everyone can toss whatever in the trash).

Makes for a good table end...but 1" too short. So I boxed in a 1" raiser and then screwed it all together. Still have to brace the front edge of the rear desks though. Once all this building is complete I'm going to slap some paint on all of this, cleaning it up a bit.




Forward >
Scott, you can play secret santa and send me that DEhumidifier for xmas bawahahaha. Looken awesome man. Your giving me desire to actually pull everything out of my work areas and start over. I hae individual tables, tops, stands etc as a station with a desk as my main work area.

Think Im going to take EVERYTHING out of that area, power wash everything (block walls, rafters etc to get all dust, cobwebs, mold etc out of there. Let it airdry, run a Dehumidifier for a few days, then build an actual work area and just reposition my stands, tables etc after I have a main work bench area. So Thanks again Scott for doing this giving me the motivation I needed to get a decent work area in my stables.

Would putting plastic up on the rafters be enough to actually block and keep any dust from falling from the rafters or would I need something additional ?
Go for it man. It will totally be worth while.

Plastic as in rolled plastic sheet? Should be ok. Cardboard (big boxes you can get free from appliance stores) could work too, just staple it.

I try not to spend money when I do a project like this. So far I'm around $130...paint and wallpaper mostly. I love the challenge of trying to build a great room on the cheap.
Looking pretty sweet!!! Looking forward to seeing you getting back to the builds. Don't you have a Hummel to build??? ;)
Scott Girvan said:
Doh. Sorry. Yes, have one of those in the queue.

I had read Humber....

Quick Scoot you still have time to go buy a new one to replace the one you trew in the bin :p

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