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First models, were 60-some years ago Pyro's "Bomb Ketch" and "Mayflower(?)"... From there, I was hooked on this hobby. Life goes on - High school, 'The Draft' [USAF - 811/812 AFSC 6 yrs], A marriage or two, along with a career, in law enforcement... Then 12 yrs back - RETIREMENT, and I thought finally, a chance to pursue this dogged hobby, I enjoy so much [and never really left behind]... Ha, ha - Boy, was I mistaken on that idea. 'The Boss' had other plans for me and for us. Spin forward since then, and I've introduced afew grandchildren to this hobby and since 're-locating' from the greater Puget Sound Area, to here in Coeur d'Alene [after 17 yrs of trying to get my Wife past Wenatchee], it's a 'new' gig. Wife gave me a 'bigger' and more accommodating space and I'm 're-building' a new hobby-cave, for myself... It's a work in progress, but ever so slowly it's coming together and my one 9 yr grandson, thinks its the "bestests", since he's got a spot at the 'new' bench, here with Pappa. This is a great place for 'us' modelers to 'meet-n-greet' and share ideas. I've been a 'lurker' here since the early days and enjoy it muchly... As time permits. Thanks - Ed
Dec 24, 1953 (Age: 71)
Now, the Panhandle of Idaho


Virtus junxit, mors non separabit - 'What Virtue Has Joined Together Death Shall Not Separate'