paint mask


Active Member
Nov 24, 2009
I am getting pretty close to a large paint job. It will have little parts that need to be masked. The question is: Have any of you used paint on paint mask? If so, what brands do you prefer? I only tried one once 15 years ago, and while I still have the bottle, and there is still some of it in there, I don't know if I trust it too well. I have 6 led's that I do not want to paint over. I don't think I can trust tape for this.
I am using Humbrol Maskol for small areas - this stuff is really good and you can remove it easily from the covered surface. NEVER, use Revell this stuff sucks... it drys out really quick and it is soooo difficult to cover an area with that stuff. It is not really runny - there are a lot of particals inside which makes it really difficult to handle!

For large paint jobs I use Tamiya masking tapes in different sizes or plastic wrap.

This tip works only with ACRYLIC PAINTS and small smooth areas - when I am really lazy I over spray the windows. When the paint is dry I take a cocktail stick (wooden) and remove the paint from the window. I guess this works with led´s, too.

Thank you for the reply. I checked into your suggestion, and couldn't find it easily here in the U.S.A. I went ahead and bought a product from microscale. I plan on giving it a test run on some left over sprue before I use it on the model.
I use Winsor & Newton masking fluid. It's made for watercolor painting but works great on models. It stays very rubbery and soft after it drys and comes off easily.
Thank you for the information, I will take a look for it soon, and did find it on My bottle of micromask came in this week, and I am going to give it a test over the weekend.
I tried both the Micromask, and the Winsor & Newton masking fluid. They both worked with Tamiya paints, but I prefer the Winsor & Newton. It is easier to remove, and was a bit thinker, making it easier to apply. It also stuck to the part better at weird angles. So when you have that irregular part, it will do a better job.

Micromask states that you should stay away from water based paints. I didn't find that restriction on the Winsor & Newton masking fluid.

Thanks dbhs for the tip.
I do have that "Maskol" liquid from Humbrol. It works quite good, imho, but god... it smells like dead animal.
elend said:
I do have that "Maskol" liquid from Humbrol. It works quite good, imho, but god... it smells like dead animal.

I think that they are suppose smell that way.......

But seriously, the micro mask does not have that smell, it is pretty odorless.

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