Force Awakens Falcon 1:144 WIP

Welcome to the world of 3D printed parts! I'm using an even higher resolution than what Shapeways provides on my current project. Very nice finish to start with and being acrylic it polishes up nicely.

That cockpit looks perfect.
So my 3D parts came in today. Pretty awesome pieces! The engine nozzles especially. They are tiny but well detailed. The engine grill replacement will also keep me from having to drill out all the holes in the kit piece.

3D printed grill on the left, kit grill on the right. Engine nozzles below.

The Episode 7 dish also arrived with the same shipment. This piece is also awesome, but unfortunately they accidentally sent me the 1/72nd scale dish instead of the 1:144 scale dish. It's huge compared to the Falcon. :D



The reason the Falcon hull looks like it does is because I had a problem with the paint job and had to strip back down to plastic.
Sail barge!

They are sending you the right dish? Bummer about taking it back to plastic. That primer coat looked so nice.
Hagoth said:
Sail barge!

They are sending you the right dish? Bummer about taking it back to plastic. That primer coat looked so nice.

Yeah, it's all taken care of. They are sending me a 1:144 scale dish in about two weeks.
Been a while since an update, because I had a set back which required a strip down to plastic and complete repaint. But we are back in business now.

Firstly, I revised the base color on the respray. This time, the base color is 5 parts Tamiya XF-2 Flat White and 1 part Tamiya Deck Tan XF-55. Last time it was 4 parts white.

I have also begun painting the red panels, as well as the darker panels around the turret portholes.


I also light blocked the 3D printed engine grill as well as gave it the same hull color.


Also painted the cockpit, but there wasn't really much to it.

Finished painting the cockpit interior as well as the 3D printed cockpit cone. I really like how it looks. Plus a couple of overall shots. I've done minimal weathering already. Time to start applying the heavy weathering.



Coming along very nicely. That 3D printed cockpit cone looks sweet. Any issues with the finish on it?

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