BSG-47 Battlestar Solaria

Awesome update, Q!
I'm digging this project, superb!
And You've done a really good job sanding the added panels down_ they do really look smooth and like a part of the ship.
One thing I might recommend You, since You're pretty much approaching the painting stage, and still have almost 2 months of time:
there are some areas on this ship where You've added the panels, but which are quite hard to sand due to their positions. After applying the primer, You might see the borders around those panels are standing out a bit. I might suspect that, for ex., from the area on the side edge of the bay (fig.1). So You might want to add some styrene scrap there, like raised elements and some radiolocation stuff e.t.c whatever that'll be. Thus You'll achieve 2 goals - hiding the rough edges and adding extra detalisation to look great under the whash.
Anyway, this looks outstanding!
P.S: and the red lights inside the bays. VERY cool looking. and brings to me the memories about babylon 5. Nice light color choice!
I haven't gotten the itch to build sci-fi yet. Well, that is until I saw your videos! Holy smokes is that thing looking sweet! Nice job!!! ;D
Alot of love going into this. Looks fab.

You're getting very close. Excellent progress Q. :)
I'll likely be using many of the flaws for a basis in my battle damage, Solander.
But I've taken a small grinder to a couple of the offenders.

Should have another update up in a couple of days
Your hard work is paying off Q!!! Excellent work my friend.
Glad you're enjoying it, CT.

Time for the next update as we move along toward the final finish.
Construction is completed with the addition of the remaining guns, as well as the photoetch nameplates.
Again, I would like to thank Paul over at Paragraphix, not only for the excellent etch set, but for altering the art work to supply the BS-47 hull numbers that I needed for my vision of the Solaria.

And, paint begins.
I masked off the engines and flight pods with some modelling clay, then set to getting some paint on her.
Started with a coat of grey primer.

Then, for some shadows as well as final light block, a coat of flat black.

The base color, which I admit looks really bright right now, is Krylon Aluminum Matte.
I intend to go over most of the model with a black wash before doing much more, so the brightness will definitely die down.

Youtube link:
BSG-47 Battlestar Solaria-Part 7-Paint Begins
She's definitely coming along nicely Q. Can't wait to see it after the black wash.
Yeah Q,
since we could have different back stories for the BattleStars, we could all build one, and it could be like having a far-flung BS fleet!
I am also inspired by your build!
;D ;D ;D
Could definitely be fun, that's for sure.
Glad you guys are enjoying the build.

And here is the next to last update on the build.
Next one WILL be the Finale.

Gave the all-aluminum colored ship a black wash, then wiped off a lot of the excess with a damp cloth.

Put the finishing touches on the base itself.
Painted the kit stand/plaque with a Testors' metallic copper, then added the Solaria crest decal I'd prepped earlier.
The "packing material" that serves as the base proper was painted black, then had the plaque glued on
The brass rod was secured with Aves Apoxie Sculpt and painted black as well.
The whole thing was given a couple of coats of semi-gloss sealer

Finally, I went in and painted the control cabs of the turrets with a little dab of yellow.
Painted the red striping on the bottom and top, as well as the openings to the flight pods (Based that part on the Pegasus, and it serves to help make the Solaria stand out more form the Galactica.
I also put on the Colonial crest, as well as the decals for the ship name and number

At this point, all she really needs is her battle damage, and to be mounted to the stand.

Youtube link:
BSG-47 Battlestar Solaria-Part 8-Details