Bronco's 5t "Diana"

This came today

and this one is on the way

Can't let them go to waste now can we?
Tony lee ;D
Cool ,Nice figs Tony , I'd nearly buy the first set for the donkey and rider ;D...I like that . So I take it you are going with acrylics then !

Well Chris since i'm not going to use that equestrian duo you are welcome to them my friend.
Just send me the deed to your ranch and title to your first born and they are yours. ;D

Tony lee
Spud those came all the way from the Ukraine on a cattle boat. That makes them cheap at any price besides I need some place to put all them cows. ;)

Tony lee
Tony lee said:
Well Chris since i'm not going to use that equestrian duo you are welcome to them my friend.
Just send me the deed to your ranch and title to your first born and they are yours. ;D

Tony lee

lol...I've got a few lame sheep I can trade ya ;D

Thanks John but forty sheep and a stupid dog is enough for me ;D

Go on then , I'll trade ya a stupid dog and a three legged cat for them ;D

I don't want nothin in trade, I was gona let you have them to trade with Tony.

On second thought, the wife might hunt us down as the chickens belong to her ::)
Hey pardner them there sheep is out of the question. We don't cotton to sheep,this here's cattle country.

Since sheep ain't worth much in these parts that makes that donkey and rider pertnear worthless so send me you address and we'll call it even.

Tony lee ;D
I had that second kit in my hands on Sunday, and put it back on the shelf.... :-\should have gotten it.

Looking forward to seeing those all done up Tony
You're kidding Rob ???
You mean you've got a technique for rusting up people too? ;)

That set is a little hard to find,go back and buy it bud.
Tony lee

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