Wife's "Pink Arrow"


New Member
May 13, 2011
My wife made this all by herself, it's her VERY FIRST MODEL EVER.

I think she did a damn good job, and I did not help at all, just offered some tips and showed her how to do panel lines.


Would that be Desert Pink or High Altitude Photo Recon Pink. JK

She did a great job, This is a hobby, the main point is to have fun and it looks like she did do that. Well done!
When I saw "Pink Arrow" my mind immediately went to an Avro Arrow, and I was thinking....NO, THE HORROR!!!

This one actually doesn't look bad in Pink....not much of a stretch from the Red Arrows version.

Oh....still can't get that horrid image from my mind of a pink Avro Arrow............
i tried so hard to get her to paint it correctly after seeing how good she was doing..but in the end i think it turned out great.

and she brush painted that gloss pink on.....i could not believe it if i had tried that it would of looked horrible.
Looks awesome!! Not that I would know...but I'm sure that after painting your nails several hundreds/thousands of times..... you get pretty good at laying down a mean coat of paint! =)
When you stand back and look at it....from the pictures anyway, the pink almost looks like the desert pink they used on the Buccaneers in GW1. Just call it an ode to GW1, it has been 20yrs after all! LOL
Nice one! :D

But, like "Chiefpetty", I miss either HELLO KITTY or PUKKA stickrs... !


PD: I hope this is just the beginning of a looooong series of femenine-modelling related posts ;D ... :D ... ;)

that is cool, outstanding for the first, a nice eaven coat of paint, well constructed... thumbs up!

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