So... How big is your stash?

WOW that F-84 with the dead guy in it looks AMAZING
Oh and remember guys it not how big you stash is thats important its how you use it :p
TBadger said:
Grendels said:
As for the size of my model mound, it has stopped growing since I got married. The wife and I have an understanding. Every time I buy a model, she gets a dress. And vice versa.

Dresses and Models.....I suppose if you bought her a remodeled walk in closet with a crazt amount of shoe storage she'd be obliged to give you the greenlight on 5-15 kits and accessories ;D

You can then make a secret wall to access the BatCave ( Model Storage )

Ummm have you been reading my mind? We are moving on Tuesday and she is getting a walk in closet that is 8ft by 12 ft. A remodel will be done as soon as we get into the house and shoe storage is on the list....

On the flip side I will get a fairly large room for my new hobby room.

Spud: That gives me an idea about a new thread....
Neo said:
WOW that F-84 with the dead guy in it looks AMAZING

Thanks! It's a fictional 'navalized' P/F-80, from the game Fallout 3. (I know, real planes (aluminum) don't rust, but that's what they look like in the game.) ;) ;D
Evening Fellow Cellar Dwellers,

Here is more from the garage. Sunny side of the building. Back side of the pile.
Most of the DML kits in the center turned sideways are doubled
up to support the weight on top. Woo Armour.
I really need my head examined!

sorry for the small pics here, I am trying to sort it out. And a shout out.
Thanks Spud, I realise what you are saying now. Copy.

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I know you are just messin', but yeah I have at least a time or two.
I love the history of the old kits, the technology that has brought them
to this current level of detail. I would probably be my best customer
and never make a dime. Lol
But, some of the philosphy in some of the posts make sense.
How much, is too much? Does the weight of the stash, weigh down the
drive to build? What to do with what is left at a future time?
Ah, this is too heavy, I got an airbrush to go clean...
Very nice stash there without a doubt.
What is up with the 221? That looks like
it is almost done. Any pictures?
Tell us about that sub by Bronco.Please

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