Round 2 Star Trek Vulcan Shuttle


cut. glue. paint. repeat.
May 24, 2009
I started this awhile ago, as I thought it would be an easy quick build and as a distraction to a kit that was causing me a ton of problems. I'm trying to finish it up in an effort to work down my WiP pile. I finished priming the model today, (with my Wyvern for the WoMW GB). I'm hoping to paint the base coat in the next could days.

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Keep us posted!! I built this kit years upon years ago, and still have it. One of the few to survive all these years. I have the updated round 2 kit in my stash, so let us know if you have any troubles.

Are you going with the Vulcan shuttle or a federation version?
Planning on the Vulcan version. The decal sheets are a little daunting however, and I might change my mind. If it's sand colour next update you will know I stuck with the original plan...
JMac said:
Planning on the Vulcan version. The decal sheets are a little daunting however, and I might change my mind. If it's sand colour next update you will know I stuck with the original plan...

I'm having trouble deciding how I want to paint mine. I like to stick to the look of the filming model when building starships, and I find that the purple and pink Vulcan version looks kind of toy-like.

But the Federation scheme looks like every other Federation paint job I've ever done.

Decisions, decisions.
Hey Splashcoat are those both yours? I don't know - both pictures look good to me. :)

I'm hoping that the weathering at the end will make it look less toy like...I guess it might depand on how the decals look also.
No, neither of those are mine, they're just reference pictures I found on the interweb. Speaking of reference, here are a few pictures which I'm studying...

These are the actual official models built up for the Round 2 re-release...

I like the look of the toned-down Vulcan paint scheme, but if I want to stay true to the original filming miniature it would have to look more like this...

Thanks for posting those - good referance pictures.

Mine's not likely to be that close to the filming miniature in terms of colour, less pink in tone, darked more sand colour. I'm surprised that the miniature was that pink (even though I read that in James Smalls' build on the Round 2 website). On screen (at least from my aged memory), I thought it was a light brown/sand - the kits painting directions call out FS30277 (Armor Sand) which cross referanced to Vallejo 988 (Khaki); which is what I will be using.
Opps! :-[

I just re-read the painting instructions the Armor sand colour is just some detail colours. Good thing I have not mixed any paint yet. Guess I'll have to make a trip to the store for some film miniature "mauve" or on screen "golden sand" - not sure I like the idea of a pink vulcan shuttle. I'll keep you posted...
dbhs said:
This is one of my favorite ships. Any progress / updates ?

It's one of my favourites also, no real update as such, just debating the base colour (mauve, pink or other wise). I just re-watched my DVD of the Motion Picture, and I was amazed; I did not expect or remember the colours to be that washed out...

I think they did it because the enterprise literally glowed when they tried to film it. The model maker spent many weeks painting the ship, with different colors of pearl lacquer. The end result was something that was very hard to film, but from what I read beautiful to see. There are a few frames in the movie where a little bit of it comes out.
I never knew that. I just remember seeing the film and being totally amazed with the way everything looked, right from the klingon battle scene, to the the dry dock scene and the super cool V'ger cloud scenes.
Love the scale the movie makers work in ... would be awesome if they released kits in that scale... can't wait to see yours done.
Thanks, truthfully I'm a little nervous, a totally custom colour and a ton of decals...
Don't be nervous, just have FUN!!! That is the point, don't worry about accuracy, the only people that will know are star trek fan boys anyhow.

Just in case you are interested, here is the web page of the man who originally painted the Big E for TMP

He goes into detail about how he painted up the ship. I found it doing research for the 1/350 kit I have in my stash.
I'm a fan boy too - that's what's holding me up...mauve! Whys it got to be mauve! Or some undocumented shifted copper brown red colour...ugh!

I think I'll finish up my Wyvern and come bace to this in a week or two... :-\

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