Paint conversion charts


Active Member
Apr 5, 2023
I've used Tamiya acrylics to this day and now most of the local hobby shops abandoned Tamiya in my country, they mostly sell Gunze, Vallejo and mission models. I'm using as paint converter, mostly it gives nice results but somtimes really irrelevant. Do you know any better color conversion site?
Unfortunately, all the paint converter apps you’ll find online are fundamentally flawed. This is because they’re all relying on digital color swatches published on paint manufacturer’s web sites. They typically compare the RGB or CMYK values of these swatches and determine which colors are closer than others.

The problem is the colors displayed online are in many cases not even close to being a match to the actual physical paint color. Even on the manufacturer’s own site. So the whole thing is inaccurate from the start.
I make my own chip charts. I use a spray-primed index card and line off a small square at the edge, and then brush in the color & write the name next to it. This way I can compare any color that I have in my stash with any other reference, including my FS595.

This won't help if you haven't bought the paint yet, but you can quickly build up your own reference library.
Unfortunately, all the paint converter apps you’ll find online are fundamentally flawed. This is because they’re all relying on digital color swatches published on paint manufacturer’s web sites. They typically compare the RGB or CMYK values of these swatches and determine which colors are closer than others.

The problem is the colors displayed online are in many cases not even close to being a match to the actual physical paint color. Even on the manufacturer’s own site. So the whole thing is inaccurate from the start.
I disagree. As long as the federal standard is correct, I’m good with it. However… each hobby paint brand shade is different. Example… Model Master RLM 2 is a slight shade difference compared to PollyScale RLM 2, Mission Models RLM 2, AK Interactive Real Color RLM 2 or Gunze RLM 2. It’s just a matter of preference and what looks right in your eyes and you’re comfortable with your choice. There’s no right or wrong shade of Olive Drab FS 34087 - or any color.
I have a wide variety of hobby paint brands in my stash. It’s not uncommon for me to choose a certain brand color over the other - not because it’s wrong; but because it looks about right for the subject I’m building.

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