merseajohn's Rebel Blockade Runner

Your new pipe work just makes The details look even better ;D

Work faster, we want more pictures,more i tell you ;D

My favourite competion thread so far

Beautiful work on this MJ! I really enjoyed reading through your construction to date. Gonna be some real epic pieces in sci-fi this year!! Keep up the great job here MJ.
Again thanks for the interest and lovely comments guys it means a lot, cheers.
Well I've been drilling holes like mad...and I gotta say if you pick this kit up and wanna light it...its not for the faint harted. Seriously get a decent mask and if possible drill outside because theres a lot of resin dust, its in my hair on face everywhere lol! Anyway I'll stop moaning and show some evidence:
Ive also finished the plumbing, again its a lotta work but it does make the difference. If this wasnt for a contest I would have perhaps left it with a bit of filler because most of it wont be seen:
I've loosely fitted the engines at the back to give you an idea of how its going to look (theres still the engine 'tubes' ofcourse to fit):
So I'm sort of stuck now, I dont know whether to prime/pre shade/ paint then glue or glue it together and see if i can paint in all the tight gaps and corners? ???
I think I'm going to end up painting it in sub assemblys then attach them together. Its the longer way round but should end up looking better.
I hope you like the progress so far and I should have some more pics up later of it primed (depending on the weather :-\).
I think sub assemblies is the way to go buddy, this is a great looking kit and looks better with every update. ;D

Is that speaker wire your using?

It's all coming together well (nice pipework), how much did this kit cost...& where did yo get it from John
The Nylon Gag said:
I think sub assemblies is the way to go buddy, this is a great looking kit and looks better with every update. ;D

Is that speaker wire your using?

I agree mate, yup cheapo speaker wire from maplins and thanks for the kind words and encouragement ;D

Jaitea said:
It's all coming together well (nice pipework), how much did this kit cost...& where did yo get it from John

Cheers mate you can get it from starship modeler (dont think its in stock though but they do get them in hit the pre order button ;))

spud said:
Very nice mj she will look sweet all painted up

Thanks Spud, I'm itchin to get some paint on her, allthough it wont be easy to handle, it will be about as long as your arm when she's complete :eek:

So two updates in one day! That usually doesnt happen lol, but she's got a coat of primer on ;D Which looks great but has also revealed some problem areas, but nothing to major. Its sooooo delicate though, everytime I pick her up I hear a creak and feel a bend :-X and painting is ganna be a b******! I'm going to have to make some foam support or something...... ???
Anyway here's some pics ;D
Hope you like it, comments always welcome!
HIM - Right Here In My Arms
Ok... before peoples starts Hammering me down.... Think outside the box !

MJ. is there any particular reasons why you choose to WIRE the whole ship VS. using Fiber Optics running the light to where you needed it ???

Just a thought ! as I see those wires getting pretty tight in there as they will eventually need joining !

Just a thought again.... I don't have your master plan in front of me here... so !

But looking at it come together sure makes me want to GET one... but again..
She ain't cheap !

later dude !
OMG :eek: LOL, thanks, you guys rock.
schweinhund227 said:
Ok... before peoples starts Hammering me down.... Think outside the box !

MJ. is there any particular reasons why you choose to WIRE the whole ship VS. using Fiber Optics running the light to where you needed it ???

Just a thought ! as I see those wires getting pretty tight in there as they will eventually need joining !

Just a thought again.... I don't have your master plan in front of me here... so !

But looking at it come together sure makes me want to GET one... but again..
She ain't cheap !

later dude !

Yeah your right there Norm, I've had to change the size of the battery to let the the wires fit in. Fibre optics arn't a solution here as they wont be bright enough to give the 'glow' of the engines. The new battery is a small 12v bugger that packs a punch for a minute or so, but wont be that good over long periods of time. But thats no bother because I never have them on unless I'm taking pics or showing people.
(Dont look right into the leds OUCH lol, oh and dont look at my desk either :-[)
Grendels said:
She is looking nice, and I bet she is very heavy....
Thanks mate, not as heavy as you'd think at the moment G, remember the main tube running through is hollow, it will start to get weighty when I put the rest of the engines on though.
Next update should have the remaining engines primed and attached, but its back to the grindstone at work tomorrow and I'm busy all weekend so things will slow up a bit now. Anyway thanks so much for havin a look and taking the time to comment, means alot.
Ramones - Pet Sematary

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