Hello from Artic New York.


New Member
Feb 13, 2014
After an absurd amount of shoveling, it's time to rest the aching back and introduce myself.

I came across SMA after seeing a link in sig of some lunatic Bruins fan, Ken something or other... ;D

Glad I did, poking around it looks like a great spot to hang out.

Modeling-wise, I lean towards armor but have found some recent Moebius releases irresistable, so I've been on a Movie/TV monster kick. I attached a WIP of the Bride of Frankenstein.

Looking forward to joining in the madness.


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ausf said:
I came across SMA after seeing a link in sig of some lunatic Bruins fan, Ken something or other... ;D

Hey dude!

I'd write a huge post welcoming you but I've got a little blizzard about to dump on us and I've got to head out and try to push it around into neat little piles.

welcome aboard Jeff glad to meet you :) Awww to live in snowless Victoria I'll be thinking of you guys while your shoveling :)
While we are reminiscing and comparing snow pics...welcome Jeff! Here was my humble tractor after the first band passed on Thursday night:

Ended up with 20" all told...
Thanks for the welcome guys.

Mike, glad to see your house upright. We got the same down here with another 4 last night.

Ken, is that the Bobby Orr plowing service?

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