GrosserHund in progress / see if Keith can figure out posting pics


Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2013
O K all .... here is the Big Dog I'm working on .
I'm gonna kitbash the Master .
I Really dig the Grosser Hund except for the FrankenFeet . They just too narrow for all that going on up top .
I 'm planning on a diorama with maintenance crew fitting a new replacement laser ---chainfalls and stuff/primer only and factory tags on the new gun .
Story is these guys are operating in soft ground / wooded terrain --like here on the GulfCoast !
I'm adding these flanking elements to the feet with some type of fan-like extension on the ' heel-ball ' to increase floatation. Attached with wire so I can pose em with the terrain
Long way to go but should have some more photos soon.

,,,,,,,,,,,, now I gotta watch Scotts photobuket how- to video again .........if I die while I'm gone, I'm there as urumomo with only this one gallery so far ....
well .....I didn't break the internet but ZERO progress .
My world aint behaving like Scott shows . I cant " paste " and my photos are too big to post directly ...............still trying

ANY help will be Greatly appreciated :)
Photobucket would be the best option; You can either attach them from photobucket using the link into your message body, or simply by sharing the entire folder from photobucket; The first option would display the pictures, the second one would be simply display a link that would direct everybody to your library.

There are plenty of youtube videos on either.

It's been a long time since I used photobucket, but I think they give you the option to resize them as you upload.

Good luck on your build, hoping to see pics soon!
Yeah , well I cant open the bomb bay doors when I'm over the target . I can copy the URL .Copy the image -----NO PASTE-O !
How do I stick it here ?
Found out I need to hit " Ctrl V " to stick the URL into the [img] -----the mouse bar denies me the ability .
Thanks again to TehKeyser for the help with that !
urumomo said:
Found out I need to hit " Ctrl V " to stick the URL into the [img] -----the mouse bar denies me the ability .
Thanks again to TehKeyser for the help with that !

lol glad to help. the build looks like it's coming along great too! i found a bunch of these on Amazon that i might have to invest in when the rare and elusive cash finds its way back to me. looking good though!
Hey Luisito ,
I tried that and it didn't seem to work but for the first photo ----I'll keep trying ...TehKeyser !??! LOL
::) still trying to figure out why my pics post as thumbnails and not the big pretty pix like everyone else ::) ???
urumomo said:
::) still trying to figure out why my pics post as thumbnails and not the big pretty pix like everyone else ::) ???

Perhaps the link that you are using is directed to a thumbnail.. try choosing a desired size and then grab the code for that (Don't know if possible, but give it a try!).

::) Yeah --- well ----I've tried everything me can think .
Sorry this thread is a strung out mess ----Why I put it in the title ---knew it might end up a big mess ! :p

I'm gonna get the Grosser's lower 'chassis' with the mods put together and then try again . Hopefully TehKeyser or another member will have an idea for a fix by then. The 'help' section on photobucket is no help . It even says that my picture will be displayed 'full size' when I do what I'm doing ::) ....well aren't I special ;D
Congrats! ;D You finally got it!

If you got time, I will surely appreciate a tutorial on how to do it. Otherwise, I may be asking you for help once I start upload my stuff.


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