least favorite season rant.


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2020
Man I have been so hindered by the heat this month I cannot wait for Summer to be over. Tired of sweating, tired of mowing grass especially the weed whacking part, tired of ticks, chiggers, and whatever else seems to leave me scratching myself raw from itchy bug bites, and the heat makes it uncomfortable in my upstairs lair to work. Even with the air on it still gets warm up there. Funny that as I've aged, it's become my least favorite season. I'd rather put on a coat and sit on my porch on a winter day than summer. Tin roof porches become ovens around 85 degrees if there isn't a constant breeze. Funny I seem to suffer more cabin fever in summer than winter. But the light is at the end of the tunnel as Autumn draws near. Well that's my summer rant thanks.
LOL , I almost started a thread a couple of days ago titled " Did the Earth move closer to the Sun ? "

BTW , friends and neighbors of mine , one street over behind me , put up a flat , metal roof over the concrete drive area between the house and the garage .
It's been about 3 or 4 years ago now and I first saw it in the winter and my first words out of my mouth were " You've built yourself a very fine Dutch oven " :D
That's an understatement .
It had to be 7 foot at the roof deck to sit below the adjacent eaves , so it's too hot to be under it out there during the summer .
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I like each season in turn, but yeah, it's a bit much right now. It's been around 90 the past couple of days, with humidity around 90%. It's too hot to drink a beer outside.
LOL , I almost started a thread a couple of days ago titled " Did the Earth move closer to the Sun ? "

BTW , friends and neighbors of mine , one street over behind me , put up a flat , metal roof over the concrete drive area between the house and the garage .
It's been about 3 or 4 years ago now and I first saw it in the winter and my first words out of my mouth were " You've built yourself a very fine Dutch oven " :D
That's an understatement .
It had to be 7 foot at the roof deck to sit below the adjacent eaves , so it's too hot to be under it out there during the summer .
Yeah if I had built this house I wouldn't have used tin but I'm not of the gumption to replace it. The aches and pains wouldn't be worth it.
I like each season in turn, but yeah, it's a bit much right now. It's been around 90 the past couple of days, with humidity around 90%. It's too hot to drink a beer outside.
Yep too hot to drink a beer outside is too hot to be outside. But I've found if you get yourself some double walled glasses you can manage, just not on my porch oven.
It's only gonna get worse guys...we can't seem to divorce ourselves from the almighty gas burning car. Not to mention coal fired power stations, jet airplanes, gas lawn mowers(which I HATE with a passion) a battery powereed one 3 years quiet I don't wake the neighbors kids...! As for beer...YUK...Bicardi/coke on ice...;-)
It's only gonna get worse guys...we can't seem to divorce ourselves from the almighty gas burning car. Not to mention coal fired power stations, jet airplanes, gas lawn mowers(which I HATE with a passion) a battery powereed one 3 years quiet I don't wake the neighbors kids...! As for beer...YUK...Bicardi/coke on ice...;-)
You should be more careful. Every complaint you have is a political hot topic and politics are not allowed, and that is not what my threads about in any way shape or form. Yes Bacardi and Coke is good, used to be my go to relaxation so we can agree on that. Please don't bring up politics on my posts anymore I'm sick and tired of politics, that's why I get lost in plastic to forget the insanity in the world for just a little while. Thanks.
I'm definitely a Fall - Winter type of person with my Hungarian/Scottish village pillager build...

On top of that insects think I'm delicious, so I really, really dislike the warm weather months. And as I'm typing this in the first week of September my sinuses are killing me and it's humid outside.
You should be more careful. Every complaint you have is a political hot topic and politics are not allowed, and that is not what my threads about in any way shape or form. Yes Bacardi and Coke is good, used to be my go to relaxation so we can agree on that. Please don't bring up politics on my posts anymore I'm sick and tired of politics, that's why I get lost in plastic to forget the insanity in the world for just a little while. Thanks.
COMPLETELY agree with your statements. While I am very opinionated politcally I do NOT like dragging it into places where its not meant to be. That was something that annoyed me when I had my YT channel. I would go onto political channels and give my opinion, but my channel's content itself was not political and I studiously avoided it at all on the channel. I had trolls who hated my opinions on other channels come to my channel to pick fights with me on politics or to insult me, and I always would block them. Politics of ANY sort were not allowed in my channel content, period.
I like my summers but hate the snow, the cold, snowblowing, brushing snow off my car before going to work and oh... not to mention stupid drivers that think they're allowed to drive fast in snowy conditions . Can't count how many times I find the same speeder had spun out of control and kissed the guard rails.

Fall is depressing because snow is right around the corner. I'd rather wear shorts and sandals. And the long days. Fall brings darkness by 4 pm.
I like my summers but hate the snow, the cold, snowblowing, brushing snow off my car before going to work and oh... not to mention stupid drivers that think they're allowed to drive fast in snowy conditions . Can't count how many times I find the same speeder had spun out of control and kissed the guard rails.

Fall is depressing because snow is right around the corner. I'd rather wear shorts and sandals. And the long days. Fall brings darkness by 4 pm.
This. Though for me its not so much that I hate winter itself, but the snow. Winter has for me one big shining gold light... Where I work we get the last three weeks of the year off, and the first two days of January too. So I wait all year patiently to not have to be at work for three weeks.:D

But the snow can go climb a rock.:p
Six weeks ago, my wife and I went skydiving and she shattered her ankle. Usually, she takes care of the inside of the house and I take care of the outside, including cars. So now, not only to I take care of the outside, but the inside as well and my wife. I also cut my elderly neighbors yard, by this time of year, I'm so sick of cutting grass and like mentioned, weed eating. Compound that by the grass getting to tall because of not being able to cut it because of rain, makes me have to cut it all twice. It has been darn hot this summer but, I use it to my advantage and try to sweat off some of this unwanted weight. Spring and Fall are my two favorite seasons
Six weeks ago, my wife and I went skydiving and she shattered her ankle. Usually, she takes care of the inside of the house and I take care of the outside, including cars. So now, not only to I take care of the outside, but the inside as well and my wife. I also cut my elderly neighbors yard, by this time of year, I'm so sick of cutting grass and like mentioned, weed eating. Compound that by the grass getting to tall because of not being able to cut it because of rain, makes me have to cut it all twice. It has been darn hot this summer but, I use it to my advantage and try to sweat off some of this unwanted weight. Spring and Fall are my two favorite seasons
Agreed, Fall and Spring in that order for me. I don't mind winter either because I get through it without having to do anything outside. I used to spend it cutting and splitting wood for our wood burner, it was an outdoor furnace/boiler and getting up at 2 in the morning to fill it when the temp is single digits was not fun at all. Almost dropped a tree on myself one day as well, so the decision was quickly made to get rid of the wood burner. Snow I still enjoy but I'm not up north where it sticks around for weeks, it's here then gone usually in just a few days, and I have no need to drive in it anymore, plus we are well stocked to get through without a trip to town during inclement winter weather.

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