Space Marines vintage Predator tank


New Member
Mar 18, 2011
So, this is an old model, from the late 80s perhaps early 90s. I'd painted it (badly!) years ago and decided to strip it and buff it up a bit with a cooler look, to make it look beefier etc. Kind of an ugly model, and it took me a while to think of a way to modify it. I think this turned out fairly well though. I plan on giving it a heavily weathered, war-torn, muddy look to match the rest of my space marine force.

There's bits and pieces on this from many kits, including several 1/35th Tamiya tanks. I think I'd like to do something with the tracks, as they look very...basic. I have some M1A1 abrams tracks, and tracks from a vietnam era AFV (M101??). In fact, I could just dremel the entire wheel and track assembly off now that I think about it, and upgrade with wheels and tracks from the abrams.

I think I'm most proud of the skull sensor thingy mounted on the cannon barrel, with all kinds of wires coming out of it. That and the many other miscellaneous bits. Guitar string antennae work wonders on these Warhammer 40,000 tanks. All of my army's tanks have guitar string on them, and it looks great.

The heavy bolter sponsons are magnetized, so I can remove them if they're destroyed in a game, or if I want the tank at a lower points value. Could also make lascannon sponsons later.

Anyway, I won't be able to work on it for a while as I'm currently in the Canadian bush for another 2+ weeks.

But, any comments and criticism would be welcome.


Thanks Mario.

Been a while since I updated this...working a lot kinda sucks for my hobbying (but is good for the wallet!).

I did some work on this while home last time, mainly I upgraded the tracks and applied a wash. Also painted in some details. I'm wondering now if I should have applied decals first before the wash, but I think it will be ok.

Here's some pics!

Tracks and wheels. Very, very basic and boring. I was going to completely replace the wheels, but thought that might be a bit too much work.



Instead I simply overlaid the rubber tracks from a M1113 and cut them to length. I like the result, gives the tracks a beefier look. The discs on the bottom of the tank are neodymium magnets to hold it in place in my carrying case while transporting it for games.


Frontal view showing off the various bits I've added.


I liberally applied the AK interactive track wash to the entire tank. I really like how this wash gives decent coverage but also defines all the little details very well. It adds quite a lot of texture and is vastly better than the citadel washes.


Close up of the turret. Lots of bits on here, guitar string and wires feeding into the cyber skull on the gun are my favorite details.


I painted this when I was like, 17, and stripped the paint off entirely. Originally it was an ork looted tank that I never used in any games or anything. There's still remnants of paint left that have been painted over, but I kind of like the way it looks, it adds nice texture.


And lastly I couldn't resist a little 'glamour shot' with the rest of my army. I plan on building a shelf display for it, with a painted background and lighting. My space marine army has a halloween theme to it, with jack-o-lanterns as their icon. I call em Octoberforce. ;)


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