Scratch built Cloakshape inspired fighter

ModelMakerMike said:
Where did you get the design for this ship, and what is it from?
Excellent work on it. It looks like it was a kit that just came that way!!!!
Love it!
Have you ever seen a movie called "Slipstream" with Mark Hammill?
This design kind of reminds me of that movie, even though It has been many many years since I have seen it.

It's from the Star Wars Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels book published in 1996 (a very good book). I think it featured in some expanded universe novels as a bounty hunters ship.
Guys thanks for the kind words much appreciated! I am
thinking of doing a cockpit.....was gonna black it out but
considering now. I will try to wrap up the detail on the bottom
tomorrow. ;D
Ok the detailing is done most of what was left was on
the bottom side, today before work I got the mount
sorted inside the model to work with the small mic
stand. I will make the cockpit and the clear part for
the canopy and she will be finished.







Impressive scratchbuilding, it reminds me of something from the Maschinen Krieger universe as well.
That Guide book is packed with so many great ideas for scratchbuilders, wish I had more skills to pull-off building the ships and fighters I like.
Keep up the fine work!
Kind of regret not lighting her now....I didn't
plan it from the beginning so it's pretty much
impossible now. :mad: I can always make another
one it's a pretty small model.
Thanks guys ......Mike i hear you gonna be cool to sit back
and figure out what to do with the painting. :)

Some pics off the cockpit detailing.....more to do in here and
some clean up.....




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