Ratrod Marathon Build

Thanks guys. I'll be working on this Monday and Tuesday. Hope to finish it up.
Thanks for posting the pics Scott. I finally get to see this thing up close. The chop looks mean. I think you did an excellent job on the rims and chassis.
Hey Scott hows it going man ? Your Rat Rod marathon build with the live streaming was awesome dude ! I had a chance to see some of it. You came up with a great idea and I thought it was brilliant !

As for the build itself, it looks awesome too. I really like what you did with the chassis and esp the wheels with the red paint and chipping. Chopping up the car body like that is interesting...like a real 1/1 custom Rat Rod. Im not really a car modeller, as I build mostly armor and figures, but this build of yours has me thinking of some military softskin vehicles ;D

Anyway hope to see some of your build in print in a future SMA Magazine issue...or even release it on DVD or something. The online streaming I mean ;)

Well take care my friend. Keep up the great work !

Cheers !

Rob B
Going great! Thanks all, for the comments. I had a blast with the stream. Will do again for sure. Not a marathon, but a couple hours here and there.

Please, be encouraged in taking on a new genre. Go for it. You'll be glad you did.

No modeling for me today. 2.5 hours snow shoeing with Denise. What a blast! Man, it's fun. For real.

I did remove the stacks. Too sloppy. Removed the small injector pump too. Again, too sloppy. Gonna redo that part, just want to do my level best, and yesterday I was too tired when I made those decisions.

I'll be back at it Monday.
Moving forward...

So, the intake, supercharger, breather...whatever it's called, lol. By using the stock Ford piece I found I was missing out on a golden opportunity to "X-Wing" this design. So I took inspiration from the X-Wing and scratched this:


Big thanks to TRM for flicking the switch on this light bulb.
Nice one ;D ....good to see you still going at it ;)

I still can't get over how awesome that chassis looks all beaten and weathered. Like someone else mentioned, it may be time for me to break out and try on a new genre. Ratrod meets Mad Max meets Wehrmacht. Too many ideas.

Cheers. Great build
LOL. Yeah, I guess so. It's big! Thanks for the comments.

Droid strip is boxed in:
Scott, sorry I had to up and bolt quickly the other night but the better half fell getting off the couch due to her siatic nerve and we had to make a trip to the ER. I came back to get on and you were offline. I did get to see you build some the next morning a bit but then had to take off again and didnt get to see any further of the building. Just wanted to say thank you to you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to produce a build like this it was great fun while I got to view and know from talking with others they loved it as well. I think we should do this more often :D
I like the new additions. I was going to suggest a scratched blower scoop too. This one makes sense.

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