Paint Stripping Favor


New Member
Nov 9, 2011
I have a favor to ask and am willing to pay to have it done. I have a resin and PE cockpit that needs Tamiya Liquid Surface Primer stripped off. I tried stripping it with Mr. Color thinner, but it didn't work very well and the fumes in my tiny dorm room were just way too much. Yes I know there many products I can buy to strip the paint myself, but I can't exactly use them in my dorm room. I would like someone to strip the paint for me. I am willing to pay to have it stripped and postage. If you're willing and able to do this, send me an email.
Just use a little denatured alcohol on a Q-tip. Wet the Q-tip with the denatured alcohol and roll it over the paint you want removed. Keep going until it's all clean. Take the used Q-tips out of the room in a sealed bag to the trash and no mess or fuss. Easy-peasy.
Castrol Super-Clean, or Simple Green works well also. Just dunk the part in it, can put it in a sealed container to cut down on the smell, like a tupperware container, however neither really smell all that badly, least no where near what Mr. Color thinner would smell like.
I use that Castrol Super Clean to remove the chrome plating on car models or to clean off the mold release on new kits before building.
I fill a container and leave it over night and it does not smell up my apartment at all...but leave a window open to vent out the strong fumes.
Whoops, I meant to say that denatured alcohol wasn't working very well and the fumes were bothering me. I know Mr. Color thinner would work, but the fumes would be even worse.

Simple Green won't work on Tamiya primer and Super Clean, which Castrol actually stopped making and only off brands are available, will oxidize brass PE parts if they are allowed to soak.

I have the parts soaking in 99% Isopropanol and I'll see if a long soak will take the primer off.
SuperClean is still available here in the States, at Walmart, and maybe at automotive supply stores, too. I get mine at Walmart. As Scott noted, it has practically no fumes.

I don't know about oxidizing brass parts--do you mean that it will discolor them? Oxidation shouldn't be a problem. Aren't you going to paint the brass bits, anyway?
Elm City Hobbies said:
Super Clean, which Castrol actually stopped making and only off brands are available

Must only be a US thing, as it is available at many places here in Canada.

You misread me. Super Clean sold under the Castrol name is no longer made. However, lots of other companies still sell it. It's a case of a brand name taking over for an item name. People always call it Castrol Super Clean like how a lot of people say Sharpie instead of permanent marker and Kleenex instead of tissue.
Dusky said:
Elm City Hobbies said:
Super Clean, which Castrol actually stopped making and only off brands are available

Must only be a US thing, as it is available at many places here in Canada.

You misread me. Super Clean sold under the Castrol name is no longer made. However, lots of other companies still sell it. It's a case of a brand name taking over for an item name. People always call it Castrol Super Clean like how a lot of people say Sharpie instead of permanent marker and Kleenex instead of tissue.

No, actually the products on the shelves here at Walmart, Home Hardware, Canadian Tire as well as most of the Auto Parts places like Napa, say "Castrol" Super Clean.
Looks like Castrol stopped selling it in the US due to California laws. The same laws that make getting Gunze a PITA. The stuff I bought at Wal-Mart didn't say Castrol anywhere on the bottle and it also didn't work very well for stripping enamel.

Looks like I'll have to go the Mr. Color thinner route.