My 32 Rat

Thanks Solander!!! Still putting some finishing touches on the engine...ahh, area?? Not really a compartment. LOL! Hope to have another update by the weekend! ;)
@Ialarmu - Thanks Buddy!!

@CT - :eek: ok,ok,OK!! I will get some sort of update...even if i have to make one up!!! That's a bit twisted!!! Thought I didn't get out much..LOL!! ;D
TUT ::)...Keep looking in here thinking .....Hurrah !!!...he's finished it !!!.....but no.... :( :( :(

Sorry buddy!! I'll try and take a pick or two tonight to where I stand. Running into a window issue. I know Boots used some Acetate....I'm thinking of giving it a shot if I can't do what I want real soon!!! Some pics in a bit tonight!! ;)
Hey Guys/Gals,

Nothing to exciting, but still a bit of an update. Mounted the motor, got the firewall ready and finished up the windscreen frame(not attached...yup, I see the light coming threw the bottom). Like earlier mentioned ran into a bit of trouble with the windows themselves. Need to dig through my stash for some clear sheet, I think and give a bit of scratching t the windows. Made up some pipes (obviously not shown, LOL) Still working them for a good fit and then some paint.



After being away from it for a bit...been thinking about the rims ??? Not sure if I'm happy with them. Well, I think that one out. Got some touch up to take care of on the body here and there too.

Thanks for stopping by!! ;)
Like I say buddy ...Waaaaay cool ;D ,I like the rust effect you go there !!!

Thanks Q!! ;)

Thanks Ace!! At the moment, running triples out and down.....need to get them in place first and see. Could completely change once I get a visual. ;D

Thanks Chris!! Still working out grill options and of course the windows...but it's slowly coming together! ;)
Thanks for the update T!!! I love the look of this car!!! The weathered body is PERFECT!!! You have made this styrene junky very happy this morning. ;D

P.S. I knew the freaky kazoo kid what do the trick. LOL!!!
Thanks Fumble and Capt. for the kind words!! ;)

Thanks CT, nothing like starting off the morning Happy!! ::) Yeah, kazoo boy did the trick....I was at work laughing my a$$ off!! Amazed at some people and what they will do!! Thanks! ;)
Those engine and wheels sure feel themselves like coming to the party in a smocking ;D

Great job, T! You are really rocking with this one ;)
Thanks for those words of encouragement Solander, most appreciated!!! ;)

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