Moebius Viper Mk.II

After masking up my intakes, it has occurred to me that I would have been better off painting the intakes BEFORE I fitted them to the fuselage WAY back at the start of the build. Would have made it easier to paint them, then just masked them off for the rest of the build/paint process. Just a heads up to anyone considering building one of these 8)
I have masked off the Metallic area's and decided to paint them with three different shades. Aluminum plate for the canopy, Gun metal for the engines, Dark Anodic gray for the front and side intakes and side equipment areas on the nose.

And here is the end result :)

I am really happy with it now! Just a few touch ups to do.
I will wait for a day or so to let it cure as it is very humid here at the moment before Future and decals
More to come ;D
Thanks for the info on the Mr. Surfacer. I will try that.

This build is looking excellent. I love that shade of white and the red really pops. Very awesome looking.
I have tried a little airbrush weathering for the first time and I must say I did enjoy it :)
I painted on the scorch marks around the RCS thrusters with black and Tamiya Smoke.I also dirtied up the airframe a bit with the same smoke colour.

I'm going for something between this..

And this..

On to clear and decals, then more weathering :)
Weathered using Pastel chalks and citadel Black wash. This is the first time I have tried the citadel wash and, although I quite like the effect that it has had on the metal areas, I am not a massive fan. I find it to hard to control and once on, it's ON! Nothing takes this stuff off. Oh well was worth a try...
I will continue to experiment with washes till I find one that I like. Anyone got tips on washes over enamel??
Anyway, on to the pictures!!

This bird is awesome!
I really enjoyed watching this build - it inspired me to purchase the Moebius kit to.
Great work.
P.S.: on some pics of the Viper kit its stand has a pattern on it, but Your's is flat. Is it the one that came with the kit, or a custom?
Nice detail work on this one.
And, like I said over at SSM, you did a good job of making her look "worn" without making her look "worn out."
Nice, nice looking ship and the weathering is spot on . Excellent stuff. Going to have to add this model to my want/must have list.

Give in to the Dark Side (pardon me for mixing trade marks ;)) and go build a studio scale version! You know you want to.
Thanks for the kind words Blokes :)
I really appreciate it.

Noddy4000 said:
Give in to the Dark Side (pardon me for mixing trade marks ;)) and go build a studio scale version! You know you want to.

Noddy4000, if you have a spare studio scale kit that you would like to donate to me I would be more than happy to give one a try :) I just don't have the spare $$ to spend on kits like that!

Thanks for looking all!
I'm sure Noddys' not thinking of building from a kit in studio scale, he seems to me to be a "scratch" kind of guy.


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