Mercury 9

Cool, reserve a seat for me, John!!! you cut off the Big G head!! :D
Cool! Enjoy this design :)
One small question, G:
would the giant lizard join this diorama also, or it just came into the shot to,so tosay, whatch at it's this year successor? ;)
Interesting Grendels. Interesting indeed. Can't wait to see what you do here.
ModelMakerMike said:
OH MAN!!!! That was a kit I wanted to enter. :(

Sorry Mike, you can still enter it!

Here are the other entries I considered:
1/72 hind
Graf Zeppelin
castle neuschwanstein
1/500 space battle ship Yamato
Minions from Despicable me
1/72 LVT-(A)1

If I can finish up my two entries, the LVT might still get built up. This one just took the top of the list.

Solander said:
Cool! Enjoy this design :)
One small question, G:
would the giant lizard join this diorama also, or it just came into the shot to,so tosay, whatch at it's this year successor? ;)

All will be reveled in the next video. For this build I think I am going to try and do photo updates as well.
Impressive, impressive... raising the bar I see!

Now when you mentioned the "Hind" you do mean the Mi-24 Hind right? Yes? No?
Thanks Q

Fruit: Yes of course Mi-24E specifically. It is the 1/72 Zvezda kit

Well I promised photo updates as well as a video. No work done yet. My job is keeping me really busy. So photos first then video.

I will start with the directions:


And now for the sprue:

In the first photo there are three of the sprue on the left

And now for the aftermarket. First up, the ground crew.


Lots of photoetch goodness!


And a detail kit:


And the YouTube video review:

Mercury 9: Contest entry number 2
i knew you had somthing big planned or would that be Huge..
5 simple words:
This_is_gonna_be_AWESOME!! :)
The diorama category is becoming pretty much a challenge I see ;)
Awesome ideas Grendels. I remember those movies too. Your vision is amazing. Lighting the
Thanks all, I hope to get started on it tonight.

My big problem is the size of the base. I need to get that figured out pretty quickly. Mainly because that is where most of the work is going to be done. But in order to figure that out, I need to dry fit together all the parts. So tonight is a tape up of the major parts.

Then I can get to planning the lighting.
Liking the idea! Should be lots of fun and I think you're working with a better model kit than the Godzilla dio of last year. Let's hope there's not as much seam filling for you to do this time around. :)
merseajohn said:
Great stuff G, good luck mate.


Igard said:
Liking the idea! Should be lots of fun and I think you're working with a better model kit than the Godzilla dio of last year. Let's hope there's not as much seam filling for you to do this time around. :)

That is what killed me last year, the seams on King Gidorah. I shouldn't have anything like that this time around. It should be a nice enjoyable build.