Iwata Neo


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2020
Just received my Iwata Neo and all I can say is wow. Did a spray test and it puts my Iwata eclipse to shame. I can now spray at 10 psi no problem and spray really nice thin lines much thinner than I could get with the eclipse at 15 psi which is as low as I could ever get it to spray reliably no matter how much I thinned the paint. To quote a great movie, "I'm happier than a puppy with two peters." I highly recommend it to anyone looking to get into airbrushing, or just looking for a new brush. It's very reasonably priced. The eclipse is now relegated to primers and clear coats when I use them.
Just received my Iwata Neo and all I can say is wow. Did a spray test and it puts my Iwata eclipse to shame. I can now spray at 10 psi no problem and spray really nice thin lines much thinner than I could get with the eclipse at 15 psi which is as low as I could ever get it to spray reliably no matter how much I thinned the paint. To quote a great movie, "I'm happier than a puppy with two peters." I highly recommend it to anyone looking to get into airbrushing, or just looking for a new brush. It's very reasonably priced. The eclipse is now relegated to primers and clear coats when I use them.
It's already on my birthday list for this year, failing that then santa might drop one down the chimney !!
Just received my Iwata Neo and all I can say is wow. Did a spray test and it puts my Iwata eclipse to shame. I can now spray at 10 psi no problem and spray really nice thin lines much thinner than I could get with the eclipse at 15 psi which is as low as I could ever get it to spray reliably no matter how much I thinned the paint. To quote a great movie, "I'm happier than a puppy with two peters." I highly recommend it to anyone looking to get into airbrushing, or just looking for a new brush. It's very reasonably priced. The eclipse is now relegated to primers and clear coats when I use them.
If a Neo outperforms an Eclipse then the Eclipse is broken.
If a Neo outperforms an Eclipse then the Eclipse is broken.
Never could get the eclipse to work on as low a psi ever and the lower psi is what I am interested in. Nothings broken and it's clean as a whistle just never was usable at lower pressure. Back when I bought it I was not aware the optimal pressure for work was 25 to 35 psi for the eclipse. https://www.iwata-airbrush.com/iwata-eclipse-hp-cs.html with the neo optimal pressure is 8 to 20 psi https://www.iwata-airbrush.com/neo-for-iwata-gravity.html so I'd say both are working as Iwata intended. I just bought the eclipse based on suggestions without enough research. It all depends on what you need or want for your work. So no the eclipse is not broken, it works as advertised by Iwata.
Never could get the eclipse to work on as low a psi ever and the lower psi is what I am interested in. Nothings broken and it's clean as a whistle just never was usable at lower pressure. Back when I bought it I was not aware the optimal pressure for work was 25 to 35 psi for the eclipse. https://www.iwata-airbrush.com/iwata-eclipse-hp-cs.html with the neo optimal pressure is 8 to 20 psi https://www.iwata-airbrush.com/neo-for-iwata-gravity.html so I'd say both are working as Iwata intended. I just bought the eclipse based on suggestions without enough research. It all depends on what you need or want for your work. So no the eclipse is not broken, it works as advertised by Iwata.
I also prefer the lower pressure so the neo sounds perfect for me. Keep us updated please as a low pressure field test will confirm my choice or make me think again.
Never could get the eclipse to work on as low a psi ever and the lower psi is what I am interested in. Nothings broken and it's clean as a whistle just never was usable at lower pressure. Back when I bought it I was not aware the optimal pressure for work was 25 to 35 psi for the eclipse. https://www.iwata-airbrush.com/iwata-eclipse-hp-cs.html with the neo optimal pressure is 8 to 20 psi https://www.iwata-airbrush.com/neo-for-iwata-gravity.html so I'd say both are working as Iwata intended. I just bought the eclipse based on suggestions without enough research. It all depends on what you need or want for your work. So no the eclipse is not broken, it works as advertised by Iwata.
That's hilarious.

The Neo line are cheap Chinese brushes Iwata puts their name on so they can offer an inexpensive line. Easily the worst brushes in their lineup.

The Eclipse's engineering is on a separate level, enabling far higher quality atomization and control. The CS is the gold standard in the hobby, for anything not requiring a Micron.

My guess is they rate the Neo at a lower air pressure in order to appeal to beginners who may be using battery powered compressors which typically max out around 20psi.
I am well aware of what the neo is thank you, I'm not a beginner and I'm not using a battery powered compressor. Have you given the neo a try?
That's hilarious.

The Neo line are cheap Chinese brushes Iwata puts their name on so they can offer an inexpensive line. Easily the worst brushes in their lineup.

The Eclipse's engineering is on a separate level, enabling far higher quality atomization and control. The CS is the gold standard in the hobby, for anything not requiring a Micron.

My guess is they rate the Neo at a lower air pressure in order to appeal to beginners who may be using battery powered compressors which typically max out around 20psi.
I have. You can guess what my take is. I actually finally settled on GSI brushes. Eclipse performance for half the price - also manufactured in the same factory.
I also prefer the lower pressure so the neo sounds perfect for me. Keep us updated please as a low pressure field test will confirm my choice or make me think again.
Hey Pantherman I just did some spray tests. Keep in mind I'm spraying Tamiya acrylics and using Tamiya x20a thinner so it's all I can attest to in performance. I sprayed flat white at a mix of 1 to 1 thinner to paint and had it spraying quite nicely at 8 psi. I had the same results with flat yellow. I started spraying at 10 to 12 psi to get the flow going then dropped right down to 8 and kept right on trucking. Then to the Tamiya metallics which can be a booger bear but I mixed all the metallics 1 to 1 as well. Flat Aluminum and Chrome silver both have a tendency to spatter any time I use them and they still did but the spray went down nicely at 10 to 12 psi with those. Metallic Blue sprays really nice and I was able to spray it at 10 psi with a great results. I have no idea how it will work with other paints other than the good things folks on youtube reviews have had to say. Hope this helps and good luck on your decision. Go check youtube reviews too if you haven't already done so.
I have. You can guess what my take is. I actually finally settled on GSI brushes. Eclipse performance for half the price - also manufactured in the same factory.
What paints did you try with the Neo and what exactly was your bad experience with it? Others might like to know since you are the only one I've run across with a bad experience with it. Also it's not about how much an airbrush costs or where it's made. It's about whether or not it does what the individual using it needs it to do. For folks on limited budgets a nice performing airbrush at a lower cost is a great thing.
Hey Pantherman I just did some spray tests. Keep in mind I'm spraying Tamiya acrylics and using Tamiya x20a thinner so it's all I can attest to in performance. I sprayed flat white at a mix of 1 to 1 thinner to paint and had it spraying quite nicely at 8 psi. I had the same results with flat yellow. I started spraying at 10 to 12 psi to get the flow going then dropped right down to 8 and kept right on trucking. Then to the Tamiya metallics which can be a booger bear but I mixed all the metallics 1 to 1 as well. Flat Aluminum and Chrome silver both have a tendency to spatter any time I use them and they still did but the spray went down nicely at 10 to 12 psi with those. Metallic Blue sprays really nice and I was able to spray it at 10 psi with a great results. I have no idea how it will work with other paints other than the good things folks on youtube reviews have had to say. Hope this helps and good luck on your decision. Go check youtube reviews too if you haven't already done so.
Thanks for the info
What paints did you try with the Neo and what exactly was your bad experience with it? Others might like to know since you are the only one I've run across with a bad experience with it. Also it's not about how much an airbrush costs or where it's made. It's about whether or not it does what the individual using it needs it to do. For folks on limited budgets a nice performing airbrush at a lower cost is a great thing.

Substandard performance.
What exactly was the substandard performance? Details are important for anyone considering an airbrush you say is no good based on your own personal experience.
Poor atomization. Required higher pressures to spray equivalent paints. Tendency for clogging.

And it's not just me saying so.
Poor atomization. Required higher pressures to spray equivalent paints. Tendency for clogging.

And it's not just me saying so.
Poor atomization? Nope not a problem I've used one and it atomizes just fine. Clogging? Not caused by the airbrush, either you didn't clean it properly, didn't thin the paint enough, or your environment was too dry. It's funny how when I read different reviews the vast majority were fantastic like mine but the few and very few I saw were saying what you are simply parroting for them, and I knew my question would expose you. I'm tired of stringing you along so I'm just gonna say what I know is true. You insulted me with your first post, You laughed at me with your second post, and you lied about ever using the Neo. If I'm wrong, prove it.
Poor atomization? Nope not a problem I've used one and it atomizes just fine. Clogging? Not caused by the airbrush, either you didn't clean it properly, didn't thin the paint enough, or your environment was too dry. It's funny how when I read different reviews the vast majority were fantastic like mine but the few and very few I saw were saying what you are simply parroting for them, and I knew my question would expose you. I'm tired of stringing you along so I'm just gonna say what I know is true. You insulted me with your first post, You laughed at me with your second post, and you lied about ever using the Neo. If I'm wrong, prove it.

There's a reason Neos are $65 on the shelf at Hobby Lobby. It's because they're cheap brushes marketed to window shoppers who don't know any better, like…you, apparently.

I once had a Chinese brush with a decentered nozzle. The seller sent me a tool that looks like a reamer that I would shove in there to BEND the brass insert back to center. The guy says, "we use these in factory". That told me everything I needed to know about Chinese airbrush manufacturing. Then I got a Neo CN and had nothing but problems with it - same crappy Chinese construction. The plating started peeling off almost straight away. The seals are NOT Teflon, and degrade quickly. Don't believe me? Go ask around on https://airbrushforum.org/ what they think of the line, and more importantly about the gold standard, the Iwata Eclipse CS.

Not sure why you think I'm lying about having owned one. Because my results weren't the same as yours?

My findings were confirmed when Barbatos_Rex said Neos were the crappiest brushes he's ever owned and he owns them all.
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There's a reason Neos are $65 on the shelf at Hobby Lobby. It's because they're cheap brushes marketed to window shoppers who don't know any better, like…you, apparently.

I once had a Chinese brush with a decentered nozzle. The seller sent me a tool that looks like a reamer that I would shove in there to BEND the brass insert back to center. The guy says, "we use these in factory". That told me everything I needed to know about Chinese airbrush manufacturing. Then I got a Neo CN and had nothing but problems with it - same crappy Chinese construction. The plating started peeling off almost straight away. The seals are NOT Teflon, and degrade quickly. Don't believe me? Go ask around on https://airbrushforum.org/ what they think of the line, and more importantly about the gold standard, the Iwata Eclipse CS.

Not sure why you think I'm lying about having owned one. Because my results weren't the same as yours?

My findings were confirmed when Barbatos_Rex said Neos were the crappiest brushes he's ever owned and he owns them all.
If you really had a neo with issues then your first comment would have been about your issues you experienced period, not the insults you threw my way because I prefer to use it over my eclipser. If you had shared your experience then I would have said sorry to hear of your bad experience, glad mine is good. Now you are trying to save face. You mentioned yourself the good quality of Iwata airbrushes but don't have the ability to realize Iwata is not going to risk putting their name on an airbrush made by someone else unless it meets their own high quality standards. Everyone has their own opinion but like I said you decided insults were more important. I had to drag you through question after question to get you to share your personal experience and all you could say is substandard performance so I had to drag some more and you went to the standard detractor statement of bad atomization and getting clogged or as some say dry tip, which is either an environmental issue or the fault of the user as I mentioned before. Now that you've had time to think of it you come up with a good story which for some reason you failed to ever get around to in your previous multiple replies to me. Yeah sure your being honest. Take care
"If you really had a neo with issues then your first comment would have been about your issues you experienced period, not the insults you threw my way because I prefer to use it over my eclipser."

What insults?

"If you had shared your experience then I would have said sorry to hear of your bad experience, glad mine is good."

Wasn't interested in your opinion.

"Now you are trying to save face. You mentioned yourself the good quality of Iwata airbrushes but don't have the ability to realize Iwata is not going to risk putting their name on an airbrush made by someone else unless it meets their own high quality standards."

And yet, they have. It's called greed. They probably sell a dozen Neos for every Eclipse. They're not the first to do it.

" Everyone has their own opinion but like I said you decided insults were more important."

What insults?

" I had to drag you through question after question to get you to share your personal experience and all you could say is substandard performance"

Because I was sick of the conversation.

" so I had to drag some more and you went to the standard detractor statement of bad atomization and getting clogged or as some say dry tip, which is either an environmental issue or the fault of the user as I mentioned before."

Sure. All airbrushes atomize perfectly. I think I'll throw away my GSIs now. There's a $15 Chinese brush on Amazon.

"Now that you've had time to think of it you come up with a good story which for some reason you failed to ever get around to in your previous multiple replies to me. Yeah sure your being honest. Take care"

You'll know where to find me when you've discovered your mistake.
I've said all I need to say to you kid, the posts are there and you can go read them again. But, I do suggest you go get that 15 dollar airbrush so you can see what a really bad airbrush is like. Word of advice, learn how to properly clean your airbrush, thin paint properly, and if the atmosphere is really dry, use a flow enhancer or don't spray that day and you will avoid some of those user issues you blame on the NEO. Now take care have a nice day.
I've said all I need to say to you kid, the posts are there and you can go read them again. But, I do suggest you go get that 15 dollar airbrush so you can see what a really bad airbrush is like. Word of advice, learn how to properly clean your airbrush, thin paint properly, and if the atmosphere is really dry, use a flow enhancer or don't spray that day and you will avoid some of those user issues you blame on the NEO. Now take care have a nice day.
Yes the posts are there. There are no insults. Criticizing your airbrush isn't insulting you. It appears you're a little touchy about your Neo. Buyer's remorse? Not my problem and don't take it out on me.

Tip dry is a fact of life with most acrylics, and can only be mitigated to an extent with a flow improver and drying retarder. I use Liquitex products which outperform most of those agents offered by the paint manufacturers. Regardless, nozzle design and machining tolerances can make certain brushes more susceptible than others to tip dry and resultant clogging. Nozzle design can also have a marked impact on ATOMIZATION. These issues diminished significantly when I moved away from Chinese brushes such as the Neo.

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