Eduard Mig-29 48 scale

Mostly Model Master. The dark brown is Vallejo over top of Model Master black. I gave it a shot of Model Master grey primer after this happened so we will see how it works now.
Thats a pain !!! Its looking good otherwise Wayne ;) ...keep at it .

I re-sprayed the black undercoat. I will put the dark brown (using hull red) on tomorrow. All my paints are acrylic.
Model Master acrylic has really poor adhesion. You don't want to use it on bare plastic.

I look forward to seeing this finished. :D I had the Academy kit and decals for Czech and Slovak birds, but the kit was more work than I wanted to do.
This looks awesome! I can't believe the amount of detail in the cockpit. I can't wait to see this once it's finished.
Well I have most of the colors on. The last one is for the nose and the covers for the different antenna covers. I have some major touch ups to do. Paint ran under the tape so I have some sanding and then repaint some areas. I tell you this model does not want to get finished. oh well the struggle continues.




Oh man that sucks. Overall though the camo looks great. Once you get those sanded out its going to look awesome.
Oh no... I feel your pain... almost exactly what was happening with the Sufa. In the end, I got it fixed. This will look awesome when your done.
keep at it dude! the runs are a bummer!

while you're pre-shading looks great in places you might want to use less thinner in your paint mix...and go slowly with layering the paint, give time for it to dry.
Well..... here is the poop on the plane. I am going to sand down the offending spots and repaint. I found out that the light green is too light. I am going to paint it 34102 instead of the 34227 that I had originally used. I am going to paint it then mask and repaint the other areas that will have over spray. I am going to light coats so the paint won't be too thick. I am determined to finish this kit!!!
Good tenacity Wayne...way to stick to your this case, plane!! ;) Keep it going!!

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