1:1000 Klingon D-7 with lights!


New Member
Nov 7, 2012
Hey people,

It's been a couple of months since I put anything up here. So here's my build of the 1:1000 Klingon D-7.

Here's my long build log on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10153912405850311.1073741830.680690310&type=1&l=bdd1bb55df
You don't need a facebook account to see them nor do you need to be logged in.

But if you're the type to say: TL;DR
I posted a video on Youtube: http://youtu.be/70Jf_igCBQ0

This was a breeze compared to the 1:2500 Enterprise-D I made a while back. I experimented with panel shades using oil paints. Turned pretty well for my first shot; would definitely use it on a Klingon BOP.

Some of you might ask why I added vinyl stickers to the model and the simple answer would be that I find the model itself to be a bit on the bland side. I love TOS but I've always felt that our future should not look like our past. So I added windows were they shouldn't be, impulse grill and impulse engine lights, and panels. I realize that these are things you'd see on the K'Tinga but I think it looks good on the D-7.

Tell me what you think!
That looks great. Super job on the lighting of that small kit. Excellent paint work too. I gather the painting masks don't come with the kit? Who puts those masks out?
Very impressive work on this.
Got to love those Aztec Dummy masks as armor plating

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