Yet another Star Trek scratch- phaser rifle!


New Member
Oct 26, 2011
Most of you know what this is...


I had to prove to myself that this was possible, so i cut a frame and made some test forms

And cobbled a mock up, using my test pieces, i know it's in B/W I did this to take out some glare. Overall the gun will be 7 3/4 inches long.

You guys will either see me triumph or fail here. either way I think it will be an interesting build. Be good. CR
Hmm, the butt of the rifle seems to be the handle from a spade or shovel. Maybe you can find something similar to that at a lawn and garden or hardware store?

Interesting build, good luck!
For the naysayers that may have thought this was a joke because of the silly mock up^^^...


It IS possible! But I have all but exhausted my options here, so shopping is in order. Damm Mondays.
Thanks Clumsy! All you see is layered .080 sheet, that form I made above^^^ really helped speed the build up as i cut each layer separately then evened it all out. The 'cheeks' were blocks made from .080 and then glued to the body and filed down. it seems fast, but most of the day to make those again and rig the handle and that darn funnel at the end! :p
Thanks guys, i'm still working on the scratch up, trying to get all the parts together ect for the final fitting before assembly. Still rough, and still havnt started the tri chamber but its coming along...


The final barrel will be twice the diameter of the rod shown, dryfitting is a MUST when scratching, and keep a record! lol CR
Look at that thing! Gorgeous! Pretty soon, you'll be ready to take on Gary Mitchell!!! ;D
Fun to see you Scratch that baby!!!! Man I haven't seen that very show in a long long time....

The Butt Stock looks a lot like a Garden Sprayer handle....

A bit more VINTAGE than This one but a Close relative !!!

Good luck with the project.... Will be watching from the side lines.....

This could make for a Cool Conversation piece on your mantle !

later !
Here it sits on Saturday, tri chamber needs major touch up and the body was stripped earlier because of issues with the paint. Started the rail today and constructed the buttons near the front, suprizing how many issues lurk in something this small!....
