T-62 PE (so far)

I see do they ship overseas? WIP means work in progress pictures... can't see your pictures it just say domain unregistered. :)
Your T-62 looks awesome with all the PE, very clean build. Looking forward to the painting. Now where did I put my T-62 kit !!!

Beautiful, just really great looking. You have one heck of a build on the go here.

I gotta get back to my tank.....shrugs...
Thanks Chief, I just put the first of several light coats of Russian green on tonight.

Going w/ Model Mashers Enamel.

More Pics on the weekend.


That is magnifico bud, the 55`s and 62`s are two of my all time favourite tanks, you done a superb job with the PE and the build is excellent.....well done sir ;D

Oh Yeah, She looks Good in Green. I'm lookin forward to th weathering ! Cool decal on th search light !!
Great work!!! Nice job on the details!!! I built a T-62 Tamyia kit a few years ago. Looking to build another one. What kit did you use?

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Great Job, I too am looking forward to some weathering with this one! ;D
She's looking good in green, the weathering will make it more impressive. Looking forward to the next update.
