Summer Doldrums


New Member
May 7, 2009
Summer apparently has us all in a modeling Funk.
I am looking forward to the Tiger build in September, all my "stuff" has arrived, Zimm applicator and treads by HobbyBoss, The PE is just too expensive.
Our weather here has been terrible for summer. A few warmer days then cool and rain. Good for modeling but just not summer.
In the Uk we had a heatwave and it really was too warm to do anything so I just put my models in a quiet corner and grabbed an ice cold one from the fridge although now it's a typical english summer meaning it's raining so i've decided to put my models in a quiet corner and grab an ice cold one from the fridge. Wonder what i'll do when winter comes? Oh but my bright orange tuque came in the post today in a squashed box thanks to the uk post office so i'll be wearing that and waiting for inspiration to hit me.......nothing yet so i'll just pop to the fridge......
"You speak the truth, my faithful Indian companion"

It's been too nice outside to sit at the bench and do anything the past few weeks, and when the weather wasn't so pleasant, there were chores to take care of.

Summer is always a slower modeling period for me.
i have been job hunting. My wife lost her job and i need a better one. If nothing comes soon we lose the house. Also my main computer died, my digital camera died, the computer im on is on is last leg. so yeah overall i really havent been in any kind of mood to model. Also why i have been relatively absent here. Cant add content when theres no way to load it.

Heck i cant even afford a Tuque to keep my head warm when the winter hating life right now.
Hang in there it will get better. I'm in the same boat. Lost my job, unemployed for months. I finally had to take a position making half of what I used to. If things go well I will stop the foreclosure on my house this week. Dark days indeed.
Eek. Guys, thoughts and prayers for your difficult circumstances.

Re the modelling, having a ball at the moment. I've discovered I work best under pressure so found an egg timer and have one hour modelling followed by one hour chores. Get more done this way than 2 hours straight modelling! Really enjoying the current bird to the point where I know I'll miss it when it's finished but...just found some decals that let me do an ace cool one after it (matt black Beaufighter, name of Bambi.)

Summer - cut with rain or no - works a lot better for me than grotty dark winter. Then again, grew up by the sea, taught to use any sunny time in the water and...there isn't any here! So you do what you can :)

Best regards, guys!
I haven't done any modelling in perhaps 2 months. :'( School and study. It's horrible. :'( :'( :'(
I just feel bad when things (kits) sit and no progress is made. I had big modelling plans for this summer and I have not dented them. I can't seem to get more than about 15 minutes of modelling in at a time.

But that's ok - it's summer, the weather is nice (only for a very short time here in Edmonton). Right now,it's perfect for sitting outside having a coffee and reading the paper. Also my kids are home and we are doing father and sons stuff ;D, while my wife is working & studying. This is the first time that I've been home more than a week summer holidays...

I'm going to try to keep moving things ahead, but with a little more effort on bad weather days.
I am also unemployed, but the Mrs. keeps me working.
That and stuff that seems to just go wrong. . .Pressure switch on the well is going now. . .water and electricity,this will be fun. . .