Summer in the Adirondacks!


Apr 25, 2011
This past week I went up to my mom's with the kids should she could spoil them and we spent a week there swimming in the pool and having a great time--- something we started doing as a summer trip last summer. Another thing I started was my attempts at climbing the Adirondack High Peaks-- in NY, there are 46 peaks that top 3800 feet....and you can become a 46er by climbing all of them.

My uncle Jim did them in 2 summers...course he's retired! As he was finishing them last summer, I started them. We did Giant and Rocky Peak last summer...they are #12 and #20 in height. On Thursday, we took it easy and did Cascade (#36) and Porter (#38). He is in his 60s and is a machine...I didn't do too bad for my 40 year old self in comparison ;)...luckily I lost 20 pounds since last year so it was easier!

The high peaks are set in the Keene Valley area-- which is where Saranac Lake and Lake Placid are of the 1980 Winter Olympics...I loved growing up in the area and always enjoy going back. OK-- enough set for the pics...

There is the top of Cascade with all the people on is a popular one because it is an easier climb and a great there are usually waterfalls on the ascent-- but we have had little rain so none that day! The peak behind and to the left is Whiteface Mt-- #5 on the list and site of all the Olmypic skiing events...still a very popular winter ski destination.

This is looking down into the Keene Valley from atop Cascade...up above center right from the pond are two small vertical lines...the one one the left is taller-- these are the Olympic Ski Jumps...they still are used in winter competitions and for training the US team...and in summer for mountain bikers as well...
Here is another shot shifted left a bit...above the left pond is Mt. Van Hoevenberg which is where the bobsled runs are can ride them for a fee-- the white on the lower right of the mount is one bend of the run...

Here is a view of some of the other peaks yet to climb. The highrer one on the left is the highest peak in NY state- Mt. Marcy...and two higher mountains over is #2- Algonquin

The USGS survey marker on top of Cascade...

And in the background here from atop Cascade is last year's peaks-- Giant and Rocky Peak...

And here's my Uncle Jim and I on top of Porter...I am the one in blue and he's the one who looks like a bush pilot with that mustache ;)

Thanks for looking-- while it is a bear to live in in the winter, I love living near the Adirondacks!
ild have a heat attack before i got to the top. fantastic views. pittys about the haze the pics woulda been real sweet.
Wow beatiful country. Thanks for posting the photos. Here's to you conquering the rest of those peaks soon. :)
Thanks everyone!

Yeah...42 to go! Did a little research and 14 of them don't have maintained wonder some of these hikes are 17-18 hours round trip!

Great Pix !! That's one Heck of a Way to Exercise ... But What a Majestic View !! Awesome ! Thanx for sharing !
Thanks Quaralane and Eric...yeah, the prize at the end (the view and the Adirondack Burger with Ubu Ale at the bottom) are worth it!!
Mmmm... very nice photos & landscape.

How about the heat in August? Wouldn´t it be easier to hike in spring? (temperatures)

These circular tracks (the 17-18 hours hikes) must be really great, because I suppose that very few people is encouraged to walk them... ¿is there any kind of hiker-shelter in these tracks??

Cheers :)
Thanks RG!

Yeah...the days leading up to the hike were scorchers so we stayed away ;). That day was in the high 70s so it's cooler in the woods. Really ended up being a perfect day with very little bugs. With the leaves changing color, I imagine fall would be awesome to climb them...might try that this fall!!

Yeah...on the bight mountains, there are lean-tos to camp in, but when you stay in the high peaks, there are restrictions like no camp fires and you also have to have special "bear cans" to keep food in that the black bear can't get into. They are worthwhile, but do add some weight to your pack :(

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