

That which does not kill us makes us stronger !
Nov 28, 2011
One of the first kit I've got when I was a kid was a Hornby model kit, SPIDER-MAN !
It was kind of ahead of his time, different colors for the diffrent parts, Blue and red in the RIGHT places, no need for glue (snap tite before it ever exist), easy building and dynamic pose.

It's from the 70's, and first I was happy because it was sold with some blue PATAFIX, that didn't exist in France anywhere. But, too, because he had fosforescent eyes, glowing in the dark. A lot of useful qualities for a kid at this period of time.
I found it in my old stuff and I said to myself "Why don't you try to give it the best you can to build, glue and paint it properly ?"

And there it is, glued, I had to apply a LOT of Tamyia Putty...

The most difficult part was to join the arms, the hands and the feet correctly.

Then I corrected two important details :
- The inner lines on the head, the "web" around the mouth is not correct, according to my old comics I needed to correct this.
- The belt was not correct. So, here you act Mr Tamiya Putty ! :D

I tried to do something with a blue paint but it was too metallic... Not the right color.

I used Citadel colors for the right blue and red colors.

It's far from OK, and it's on my workbench for 3 years now. I really need to complete it, but I want to do something original here, reproducing the "ink" look of the old comics.

What I want to do it's something like this :D

Yeah, you're right... Figures... Go figure, forgot we've got a figure topics... :D

Let's move it :D

Now just have to motivate myself with some of the hundred of projects in hand. :D