Sci-Fi Female Sniper and Spotter Drone 1/6 scale

Thank you for the information will need to give Tamiya a try. But for know I'm waiting for another update.
WOW ,man thats looking brilliant buddy :eek: Love the sculpting !, the top half of the body looks perfect to me ;D....more please !!

Looking pretty sharp !

I like the layering !!! I should pick up on that !!!

Where did you get the Analog ! that would speed up my build time for sure !

Hi Guys

Did more work to the clothing this past weekend I hope to finish all the main clothing components legs, arms etc. in the next week or two and then all the countless hours of sanding and more sanding I enjoy what I do but I hate sanding.

Thanks for all the comments they are always welcome.


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I feel your pain with the sanding ;) But look at this way at least after that you will have a blast with painting, highlighting and shadowing here clothes folds. At least I know I would.
Can't wait to see here finished.
P.S. Did try that Tamiya putty. Really interesting stuff.
I said it before ...I'll say it again ....WOW ;D, The sculpt is fantastic on this ,you've done a first class job so far , i cant wait to see the paint going on ,there's going to be a lot of contrasts in there ;D


Thanks for all the views and comments.

To Biskup: thanks for asking work has been interfering with my free time in the last couple of weeks and put a damper on getting this project done.I have a feeling it will not be finished in time.If I get the sculpt done I'm afraid I will not have time for the painting. :(
But in the spirit of competition I will attempt to finish my secondary entry as building a kit won't be as demanding on my time.

I will post the progress of the sculpt till its finished.

Thanks XXXNITRO.....................I'm going to need a lot of coffee and a I mean a lot and a small miracle :)
Thanks for letting us know about this! I will be looking for the end result either way.