My Aircraft Builds


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2020
Just wanted to share a few aircraft builds I enjoyed doing upon return to the hobby in 2018 this one is Brewster Buffalo I really enjoyed building. It wasn't an aircraft I was familiar being in the early arsenal but it's a Midway build and those Marines gave it their best. I paint with Tamiya Acrylics and paint most of the markings, only using decals when I cannot avoid it. I loathe decals. IMG_0635.JPGFor the life of me I can not remember what kit this P-40 was but as you can see I did George Welch's from Dec 7th. I should have lightened the olive drab a bit but hey now it's covered in dust on the shelf and that lightened it up. LOL.
The Jug. I painted this from a scheme in a book that listed the pilot unknown. The Jug is my favorite simply because it took a licking and kept on ticking. My first lame attempt at grass on the display.
This P40 replicates one flown in the Battle of Egypt and sorry but I cannot remember the pilots name.
Up next the Wildcat. I really enjoyed painting the markings on this. The tail was a challenge and elicited a few unkind words while masking but I managed to keep it together. LOL. IMG_0699.JPG
Up next the Hellcat.
Last is two P-51's and man they were a blast to paint. The diamonds on Kathleen and squares on Gentleman Jim were very tedious but came out surprisingly well. I did these two because I am Jim and my wife is Kathleen. I had to improvise the Gentleman Jim Hat and Cane but I managed to get a stencil made, though not accurate, I still got a hat and cane painted on there. These were my last two aircraft builds before sliding into dioramas. I hope you enjoy.
Beautiful builds, Jim! Your markings look great, it's worth your effort to paint them. Nicely weathered, too, not overdone. Personally, I prefer subtle to IPMS-contest style.
Beautiful builds, Jim! Your markings look great, it's worth your effort to paint them. Nicely weathered, too, not overdone. Personally, I prefer subtle to IPMS-contest style.
Thank you. When it comes to aircraft, unless it's a diorama, I prefer the less is more look on my builds. Others can knock that heavy weathering out of the park and it looks great but I guess I'm just old school in my preference.

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