How much of a NERD are you?

DXM said:
Built my first model in grade 2 ( a Stock car ) and brought it to school for show and tell.
Used to play Star Fleet Battles & Advance Squad Leader, Never got into D&D, I like Sci-Fi not fantasy.

I still have all of my Star Fleet Battles stuff in a box. As well as the Star Fleet command games that were based upon them. We got tired of all the dice throws and wrote a random number generator program on an old apple IIe computer to do it for us...
Lord Darth Beavis said:
I can out-nerd my friend who claimed to be king nerd. I could name all 12 original Constitution class starships! ;D

Wait a minute...I know you... :p
Grendels said:
DXM said:
Built my first model in grade 2 ( a Stock car ) and brought it to school for show and tell.
Used to play Star Fleet Battles & Advance Squad Leader, Never got into D&D, I like Sci-Fi not fantasy.

I still have all of my Star Fleet Battles stuff in a box. As well as the Star Fleet command games that were based upon them. We got tired of all the dice throws and wrote a random number generator program on an old apple IIe computer to do it for us...

I bow down to thee..... Nerd Emperor ;D
I have:
T-Shirts that read; "Choose your weapon" with several sided die depicted.
"Head Nerd" (Gift from my wife when I ran the game store)
" Schrodinger's cat is dead" (front) Schrodinger's cat is NOT dead (back)
I play 40K, Warhammer FB, Malifaux, and several other games that has people shaking their heads.
I was in band, though we thought we were pretty cool. Football players dated cheerleaders but we dated color guard girls with little skirts, vinyl knee boots and pom-poms. Lots of hijinks on the band busses and in the stands, rowf!

Otherwise, I wasn't really too nerdy. I have spent the last 15 years working in IT, though.

Actually, have any of you noticed, those things that we thought were so important, when we were in school, are really meaningless, once we get out into the real world?
IM more of neurotic nerd I have seven of the same outfit so I don't have to think about what I'm going to wear each day a decision influenced by my love of cartoons and my favorite movie of all time the fly
Comic book guru
I think nothing is funnier than farting
I have an obsession with wiener dogs proud owner of 1
Super nintendo is the greatest gaming system of all time
Im 26 and I listen to music from the 40s
one nerdy fact about me is that i am clumsy, i can trip over about anything, but the thing is when i fall i always get back up again, i spider webbed a car windshield once, and only got a scratch on my pinky.

i can name facts of numerous aircraft, or cars, and military equipment, so far to the point i got made fun of because of it in high school XD

i have never been in a fight in highschool (though i could probably put someone in a wheel chair.) i found no pleasure in fighting, in fact when a fight started, while everyone would usually circle around to watch, i would be the first one to leave and go to class because i thought it was so stupid.

if i find interest in a subject i can score very high in tests.

i was often liked by all the teachers in school very few hated me, i could probably have gotten away with a lot of things, but chose not to do wrong!

the only major sport i participated in is school was swimming, track was short live because i did not get along with most people on the team.

i would only ask the hottest chicks out, and every time get rejected.

i think i am a compatible nerd? don't you guys? everyone's got a little nerd in them! some are just to proud to admit it.
I play Flames of War and Check Your 6 fairly regularly at 48 years of age.
I played with GI Joes and helped a freind do a stop animation film on 8mm in Grade 8!
When I was in the army we used to play D&D on wednesday nights in the shack.
I like to take french and german lessons
I couldn't talk to women until I was in my late twenties
The nerd I am most like is Booger from Revenge of the Nerds
I search for Sgt Fury etc comics
I go to comic book stores
I am in love with my wife and I go to church on Sundays
There is no such thing as too many models
I love TOS Star Trek and William Shatner is one of my heroes
Iwatch 6-10 hours of the Military Channel a week
How's that?
willypd said:
I play Flames of War and Check Your 6 fairly regularly at 48 years of age.
I played with GI Joes and helped a freind do a stop animation film on 8mm in Grade 8!
When I was in the army we used to play D&D on wednesday nights in the shack.
I like to take french and german lessons
I couldn't talk to women until I was in my late twenties
The nerd I am most like is Booger from Revenge of the Nerds
I search for Sgt Fury etc comics
I go to comic book stores
I am in love with my wife and I go to church on Sundays
There is no such thing as too many models
I love TOS Star Trek and William Shatner is one of my heroes
Iwatch 6-10 hours of the Military Channel a week
How's that?

all the things highlighted i do or would do!
in addition

i believed in santa untill i was 12

played with toy cars untill i was about 13 or 14

13aceofspades13 said:
in addition

i believed in santa untill i was 12

played with toy cars untill i was about 13 or 14

We all need to remember our innocent times!
The real question is does anyone take their models and run around the house going Pew Pew Pew attacking imaginary enemies?
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