Guess what scale model will rise from this plastic parts


That which does not kill us makes us stronger !
Nov 28, 2011
Just a little game.
I think you'll find it easily.

I found this cocktails mini-plates last year. It's plastic, there is various shapes and sizes... First I was looking for something to help me scratch some cockpit, or things like that. I found this, that could be a cockpit, a shield, a robot foot, or whatever. I Choose to do a very particular twin-pod vessel with 4 of them.

Will you guess what I intend to do ? :D

Well don't know what all this designation means...

Do you have simplier way of naming it ? :D
I think you could actually do three ships
1. Twin pod cloud car
2. Geonosian Fighter
3. Solar Sailer

From your hint it seems #1 would be the answer, but it would be very cool to see Count Dooku's solar sailer.

Gaggles McNylon
CORRECT guys... A twin pod CLOUD CAR !

More to see later.
I have a Falcon to build... :D
Here is my WIP so far...

Not canon, obviously but way more useful with this kind of parts.
A different model of cloud car may we say... :D

This past week I managed to glue and solve some problems on the way home.

Here is the results ! :D

It's done, it's glued, and you can even check the basic material i'm actually using :D

The coffee spoons have been glued days ago so it's not fragile anymore. And it's quite solid ! :D But in order to facilitate the glue phase, I dremeled (maybe too much) in the plastic in order to fit the coffee spoons.
The cockpit are delimited with some holes, I'm not quite sure if I detailed all that or just glued on some head figures in 1/35/1/24 :D

I took some part given by a friend of mine, and the fun part is that's unique even though I've got several... He made that when he was a student, it was part of a school and industrial project. a way or another it will be that piece of plastic :D

I tried other options mais it was not better...

Some other coffee spoons and Plastic Card cuted away later... :D

The seams are filed with Plastic mastic from Prince August.

I need to complete the cockpit and do some scribbing first... :D
Thanks ! :D

Here, again, the parts talked to me "build me, buiiiiiild meeeee..." :D
OK, did work on it, adding polyester putty, and that's never fun for me at this level.

I mean, i'm really not good mixing paste or stuff. And the smell, man (Agent SMith "it's the smell, Mr Anderson !"), awful !
Even with open window (it's freezing out there), but I had to do it since it's better than "simple" Tamiya Putty. It will stay in place and will be easier to work with.

Done it for the rear and below part of the pods.
Dried in one day. Sort of... Began to sand it.
But I already know I'll have to add some matter here and there before scribbing.
Impressiv job! :eek:

Your skills for starting from nothing to get to amazing things will always be impressiv! ;)
"Une fois engagé du côté récup de la maquette, à jamais il dominera ton destin..."

Don't know how to translate this in english :D
YOULI said:
"Une fois engagé du côté récup de la maquette, à jamais il dominera ton destin..."

Don't know how to translate this in english :D

This is what Google translate says:

"Once engaged on the side of the model Recycling, forever it will dominate your destiny ...
Not bad for a Google translation :D

First time I read something that good :D
LOL! This must be why you build so many models Youli! You've joined the dark side!!! ;D
Darth Youli "At last I will reveal myself to the Jedi modelers. At last we will have revenge !"

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