Grande Digue Alpha


Active Member
Apr 24, 2009
So this is different. Here's the backstory. I have a client at GirvanMedia, did you web work and print jobs for him over last couple of years. He has lots of things on the go and one is film making. He has produced a few shorts etc... He's currently working on a school project film...I mean a film with students: 10 - 12 yr olds. Long story short, he needs a space ship and asked for my help.

We met tonight and went over the requirements, timelines etc... I have 10 days to turn the following 'stuff' into a space exploration vehicle. We decided on 1/48 scale. It needs landing gear. One side about 20% weathered, the other side about 70% weathered. I have a specific cockpit window that needs to be included, required to have a door on the side and big thrusters. Other than that...carte blanche.

Both the director and I are star wars fans and when I said....we shouldn't be TOOO star wars looking...he said: WHY NOT? - so this might have a Transport Shuttle feel mixed with a big of Falcon...we'll see.

I have 10 days...did I mention that. LOL.

Here's what I have to work with for the main fuselage:

Under side:

A he brought a few greeblies (Armageddon space station)

Stay tuned for the madness. LOL.
What a laugh riot! 48 scale and that red tub is the main fuselage? 10 Days! Certainly hope your agenda is clear over the next week. I'd go with as much greeblies as you can. Just start gluing stuff all over it and spend your time weathering until the sun rises on the 28th. Hey, wait, are you lighting the engines? This should be so much fun to do as long as you can dedicate the time to it. Don't you just love deadlines?
Good Luck Mr. Girvan!
I know you can pull it off!
We will be watching, and am sure we won't be disappointed.
Wow, this is gonna be HUGE and COOL! 8) :)
On such a gigantic proportion, I think You can try the ways filmmaking miniaturists are going - do all the weathering as well as painting via the airbrush. It will be much faster and way more easier on such a big model in comparison to the smaller vehicles we all here usually do.
Thanks for the comments guys.

Glorfindel said:
Hey, wait, are you lighting the engines?

No, he's going to have his CGI guy do it in post.

Elm City Hobbies said: finished just in time for CAMS! LOL

Yeah, hopefully that speeder bike will be too. Thankfully Monday is a holiday.

Solander said:
do all the weathering as well as painting via the airbrush.

Yes, I'll be using the AB for most. The base color is white so I might use a spray can and then post shade. This thing is going to take alot of paint...I'll see once I get there.
Looks like alot of fun. You get to see it star in a film after, and the kids can enjoy it.
Love it Scott!! Love the concept, love the time frame, gonna love the build!! Sitting back in the comfy chair and ready for the next step!! ;)
It's a pain in the you know what it is. I need to have this complete by Thursday evening so I took today off to build it....but that darn plastic (it's not styrene) is impossible.

I really should have just scratch built something from styrene sheet. It would have been much easier. I've been at this all day, since 9am, and only have 25% of the build done...and even that still needs putty.


So, 19 hours total build time. It's wonky...and rushed honestly but so far so good. I think the kids will like it. I've taken a ton of pics and can post them once I finish but thought I'd post some primer pics.

Time to start up the airbrush. This thing is due tomorrow.





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I like it! It has the feel of a Rebel Troop Transport. Great idea with the styrene "shingles" flapping over each other like that. It really adds that SW flavor to it. Engines look great too. A little salt chipping maybe? Use a silver pen and voila! Instant chips.
Great job Scott...their going to love it. Can't wait to see finished pics.
Thanks guys. Just taking a break. Basecoat is on the main upper fuselage.

Don't think I'll have time for salt chipping...sponge maybe. Funny, those engines are funnels from the dollar store. Crappiest plastic to work with ever.

Like I said, this thing is full, FULL, of glue leaks and marks. Used 5min epoxy, CA, screws, you name it.

Glad you like it though. Should look decent under the proper lighting and zooming through space.
Not to shabby for a speed build!!! Looks great under that primer coat!! ;)

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