1/72 Academy AH-64A "Devils Dance". Super detailing project.

Bulldog 09

New Member
Aug 14, 2012
This has been a project I have been working on now for over three years on and off. I am close to the end but figured I could post some pictures of build. The first set will be of the weapons, M299 Hellfire launchers, drive shaft, and front avionics bay door's. The Hellfire's have all been reworked to include the seeker lenses, clear seeker covers, and new rear fins. They also received all of the stencils found on the actual units, this consisted of 11 decals per missile.





The drive shaft and its bay are part of the CMK kit detail set. This is a great set but it still leaves a lot of room for improvement, and here are some of those improvements. First off I added the cam lock fastener bracket (which is four hours of my sanity I will never get back). This was done by first laying out each fastener hole on a piece of .010 x .020 styrene, then drilled these out with a #80 drill bit. This was then attached to the tail boom and shaped with jewelers files. Next up was the aft shaft hanger bearing, center damper support, and anti-flail support had to be reworked in order to look and fit right. The center shaft had to be lengthened and the dampener added (black band in center of middle shaft). A small data stencil was added to the center shaft and the whole area received an oil wash. As for the covers I drilled out each of the cam lock locations and added small pieces of wire, and that was it.

Drive shaft and covers.



Next up the front avionic bays doors, these to are parts of the CMK kit. These had each of the latch positions drilled out and new latches and their closing mechanisms added. Each latch consist of 3 parts with a total of 7 latches per door. Below you will find pictures of the doors. One is finished(left one)and only needs a cote of dullcoat, the other lacks the final painting of the latches and an oil wash.



Well that's it for right now, I will and try post some photos of the tail rotor next. Please let me know if y'all have any suggestions or corrections.

Dave Fassett
The tail rotor for this build came from the HobbyBoss kit. It is far better than the Academy and Hasegawa offerings except that they molded the blades backwards. This is not a big deal and can be fixed easily, once this was done I proceeded with the detail.

First up I added the upper and lower blade hub forks along with the hub connection point (green disk). In the process of this I did manage to break off one of the blades, oh well.

Side view



Next up a photo after the pitch control links, drive links, and missing blade where added.

The pictures that follow show the finished swashplate, bell crank, and bell crank push rod. The final shot shows the completed tail rotor in place along with the rubber boot at the push rod to tail connection. In total I counted a total of 51 pieces in the new tail rotor. This build should be completed by the end of this week, if all goes well. All it lacks is the hinges on the pilot/co-pilot cockpit access doors, weapons pylons, RBF flags, and attaching all the little stuff. Well that's it for now, please let me know if y'all have any suggestions or corrections.

Finished swashplate.

Finished bell crank (white part) attached to painted swashplate and tail rotor.


Push rod attached to painted bell crank. At this point the tail rotor is complete.

Finished assembty in place.

Dave Fassett
Finished this build up yesterday at a little past 4 in the afternoon. This has taken a little over three years to build. It is comprised of parts from four kits (2 Academy, 1 Hasegawa, and 1 HobbyBoss), after market sets from CMK & Eduards, and a total of 1200+ scratch built pieces. None of this would have been possible without the outstanding custom decals from my friend Joseph Osborn and the invaluable technical advice and reference material from my friends John Bernstein, Tony Morgan, and the US Army. So I'll shut up now and post the photos.

Devil Dance
AH-64A 89-0202
C Company, 1/229th Attack Helicopter Battalion aka."Blue Max"









Dave Fassett
Awesome work Bulldog! That is a really great build - great commitment to finish it after such a long time. You must be relieved to have it finished.
Thank you so much gentlemen for the great feedback and comments, they make this build all worth while. Void_1 you are absolutely correct, it is a great feeling and relief to know that this build is done. Again than you all.

Dave Fassett

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