Theoretically Plausible Fw-190 D13


Active Member
Feb 14, 2024
The Fw-190 D13 might be the most mysterious production aircraft to come from the Focke-Wulf company. Very few were produced and even fewer made it to active service. Photographic evidence of wartime D13's is limited to 3 aircraft : Werknummers 836002, 836016 and the famous 836017 which has been restored at the Museum of Flight in Seattle, WA. "Yellow 10"1000013411.jpg

"Yellow 10" features a very unique camouflage pattern in the annals of Luftwaffe lore. The purpose of this concept build is to create a theoretical D13 based around available evidence and extrapolating the data. This build will be what I believe, a plausible D13 would have looked like with another Jagdgeschwader unit. All pictures not my own are from Jerry Crandall's Focke-Wulf Fw-190 Dora volume II. Unless otherwise noted.1000013417.jpg
We know from the sequential Werknummers that at least 18 were built because JG.2 reports a D13 as lost on 11 April 1945, werknummer 836018.1000013501.jpg From that baseline, subtracting the 4 known D13's I have 15 to work with.
With the known units they served in we have 3 possibilities, NaGr.1, JG.2 and JG.26, with which "Yellow 10" served with. For purposes of build variety, this D13 will serve with JG.2 which sported Yellow White Yellow defence of the Reich bands. As the D13 had teething issues it will be assigned to an experienced pilot, a staffel leader.1000013400.jpg
Utilizing excess decals, the D13 will be "White 1" of 1st Staffel, I Gruppe, JG.2 "Richtofen" From luftwaffe organization, the senior staffel utilized white numbers with, in this case, black border. The I Gruppe had no distinguishing mark on the fuselage, though 2, 3 and 4 would.Screenshot_20240215_211107_Chrome.jpg
The bread and butter of this build will be the paint scheme! Similar to "Yellow 10" That scheme utilized a sort of Tiger Stripe effect1000013412.jpg1000013413.jpg
Of Rlm 75, 82, and 83. "White 1" will sport a "Calico" scheme of Rlm 75, 82, 83 and a light green I'll refer to as Rlm84, which is a misnomer as no color code exists but the color does.

Power eggs captured on film clearly show there was a luftwaffe mandate for a change to factory applied camouflage, possibly for better concealment as the allies dominated the air.1000013408.jpg

In the field, ground crews would have put their own variation on this with the available paint stocks, as was probably the case with "Yellow 10".
For landing gear a neutral gray has been documented, it will change up the build as any luftwaffe fighter model builder knows, it's invariably RLM02.1000013406.jpg
Base color from the factory will be RLM75 as it's not only as camo color but also appears to have been used as an ad hoc primer by this point in the war as well. Undersides will be RLM76 with bare metal areas.
Markings of JG.2 will be RLM04 and white. Unit leaders of JG.2 were known to paint the underside of thier cowlings yellow. For this I'll utilize RLM99 which is closer to U.S. zinc chromate yellow.
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I'll not venture too far and say it's plausible that the plane, saw combat, so weathering will be bare minimum. With the quality of German aviation fuel at this point of the war, exhaust stains will be very dirty. As it made it to an operational unit it will have a black spinner with white spiral.

Finally my previous D13 build.IMG_20210506_194010.jpgIMG_20210506_193908.jpg
Here is the trusty Hobby Boss kit of the D13, a good quick build with not many issues1000013418.jpg
The Cowl flaps have the membranes attached which is pretty easy to remove with a sharp new xacto blade.1000013474.jpg1000013473.jpg
The kits wheels were treaded and it looks like non treaded was an option and definitely the tailwheel was the Balloon type.1000013471.jpg
I have extras from eduard so I'll use that one!
Another modification is the flaps on the D13 were most probably wooden so I'll fill in or cover the metal type ones in the kit.1000013453.jpg
Progress so far. I recently got Vallejo Black Grey for RLM 66 highlights and real pleased with it.1000013460.jpg
Also got a supply of Eduard PE seatbelts and they definitely add that little extra to any cockpit! 1000013461.jpg
Keep the updates comin'! You done a fine job on the other one, so this should be just as good.

HA! I've heard of you!

Happy I Love You GIF by Victoria's Secret PINK

I fit a lynryd skynrd reference in a modeling website, and they said it couldn't be done!

I can't believe you thought it couldn't be done. Just watch. I'll show you how to not do alotta things! Sometimes I put several other things aside to not do something.

I tell you what, this little guy is a godsend if you want to paint the most minute details, been using it on last 3 kits and it's made the cockpit very detailed. This message is neither sponsored by or affiliated with Tamiya inc.

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