WIP Sturmpanzer II or Bison II

Tony, that looks awesome! The track brings it all together! Along with all your other details. ;D
Man that sure does look sweeeet, awesome work as always Tony. I like all the attention to detail that goes into all your builds, very nice.


Coming along Famously !! Looks smokin !!

Question : The Jerry Cans .... They're not German ones. They look British ... unless that's what you're going for ... ? I'm not taking away anything from th build . Keep on Rockin' it !!

They should look like British and American cans because they copied the German design.
In 1939 there were two designs,the plain "X" and later the small square with spikes off each corner of the square. The early cans have 1939 stamped on them while the spike squares are stamped with 1939 and later years.
The plain "X" was dropped and the "Spiked Square" was kept in production.

From searching the net that's what I get out of it anyway. ???
And Thanks
Tony lee :)

I'm sorry Brotha'. I spoke outta turn :-[ . My apologies !! I didn't mean to second guess ya' !! Great lookin build !
I've been pole axed by Dragon,right between the eyes.

Just what I needed another must have SPG.
Tony lee ;D
Yours is looking real good. When you are done I'll do the dragon I want to know what one is supposed to look like first.

Terry ;D
Hi Terry
I see a couple of improvements on the exterior but the interior is anybodies guess.
Dragon has changes made to the fighting compartment compared to the Alans kit but without photo evidence being available who knows.

This is bound to be a better kit than the Alan and i've got to have it. ;D
Tony lee
Tony lee said:
I've been pole axed by Dragon,right between the eyes.

Just what I needed another must have SPG.
Tony lee ;D

Tony - That's because Dragon "lurked" on your Build & decided to Pole Axe ya' before you could show them up with this Steller build. I say Full steam ahead !!!
:eek: Wow, you´ve been blessed with steady hands with PE, Tony ... I admire a lot the clean works ... I´m a bit a disaster with the PE + CA.

I´m waiting to see this AFV painted... Tony, are you going to paint it in the "Afrika" Theater???

Yeah RG, Africa it's got to be since that was the only theater of operation for this variant.

And Thanks for the compliment.
Tony lee :)
Tony is there anything that's a challenge for you? From what I've seen so far I think your kit is going to look way better than the dragon! Can't wait for more pics!
From the last few projects you've been working on.... I gather you have a Weakness for SPG ! HEY ?


Nice start on that ! those tracks look like it may have taken you some time to assemble ! but worth the Effort !

Looking forward to your next update !
I really love those Fruilmodel tracks too. I don't think they take anymore time to assemble than any other indy links and you don't need to worry about them falling apart on you.

There's always hope BJ, "Time" is the main problem ;)and wanting to build all I can before the plug is pulled.

ModelFreak everything I seem to do in life has been a challenge but nowhere on my birth certificate does it say "EASY". The only thing left to do is just keep pluggin away.

Thanks Spud appreciate your compliments.
Tony lee :)
i must admit that im interested in the dragon kit, is it a decent kit?? or should i opt for a difernt maker

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