USMC Sherman at Tarawa...


Apr 25, 2011
Well-- this is a conglomerate of a lot of stuff...the Hobby Boss 1/48 Sherman with Black Dog USMC accessories....plowing through some ocean sand next to the Masterpiece Models Japanese Pillbox. Still a lot more detail and weathering to add to the two items on the base, but I was just getting an idea of how it looks together.

Au natural...

And after an attempt to give the beach a bit more color...

Would like to add some figures but there isn;t much for Pacific figures in quarter scale so I may have to scratch some....
Sweet looking dio, Jeeves. I think you're right, definitely needs some figures to complete the scene.
Good luck on the conversions. Tamiya 1/48 figures with a lil changing would look like Marines.
Keep up the good work. Bill.
Thanks Bill...still have more work to do on the base as well as that gap can attest ;)
Thanks guys...going to try and weed through the figures in the spares to see who'll fit...
Love the Sherman. I think the figs could really tell a story here. Looks off to a great start!
Thanks Glenn and stellarb...

Found a few US Infantry figures from the Tamiya set that might work out after a little modification...and a Japanese officer from the Eduard set might be a good sub for a pillbox victim...

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