Steyr 1500A


New Member
Nov 11, 2010
Alright heres my next project its the Tamiya 1/35 Steyr 1500A, it's basically sob except for the P.E grille also from Tamiya. so far I put the body together and the frame they are seperate right now and tommorrow its gonna get primed hope you like comments and advice are always welcome. thanx for looking. :)


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I love this Kit ! It was so versatile with th Germans. In fact there's aCompany that makes a bunch of Resin Conversions for this Kit. Everything from a Cargo truck, Radio Truck, Ambulance ... Cool Stuff !!

- Lead Warrior - - I would love to get some of Their stuff.

It looks like you are Off to a Great Start ! This kit Flies together !! Great Job !!
Hey panzer thanx man, ur not kidding this kit does fly together, typical tamiya open the box and it builds itself. I'll post some more pics as i move along with it

oh thats a nice looking kit. what kind of paint job will it have?
I have mine started and Put away... as a Radio Veh. Looking forward to see your progress on this !

it might revive my interest in this veh. in time for the GB. in October.


Hey spud and Norm thanx guys. as far as paint i think im gonna do the standard grey color but im gonna try a few things on it and Norm i wish i had the Radio vehicle version of it but im gonna try to get some paint thrown on it tonight or tommorrow and ill post some pics of it.

Phil Panzerman
Not sure if the verlinden radio conversion is still available?

Tons of psrts.... Slow process and a little over my head!

But looking pretty cool!
Hey ace and ct thanx guys Norm ur probaby right with all the parts i probably pull whats left of my hair out doing it maybe sometime in the future i wll try to tackle it.

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