Round 2 Star Trek Vulcan Shuttle

I just mixed up some paint and gave it a go.

I was very unsure of mixing up a colour. I looked at the mauve, and what the ship looked like on screen. I tried to match my original impression of the movie, some wicked good screen captures from DBHS, and something like the Sahara red sand colour we see in some of the TV shows for Vulcan ships.

In the end it turned out darker than I thought it would - really did look lighter to me when the paint was wet. Oh well, I kind of like it.

If anyone is interested my recipe is;
5 parts Tamiya Dark Copper
2 parts Tamiya Flat Red
2 parts Tamiya Clear Red
2 parts Tamiya Red Earth

Thanks for looking and any comments. I planning to try and lighten the scheme a little still...

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I haven't seen the movie and therefore I have no reference -

It looks spot on to me!
Thanks for the positive comments guys.

@Q - That was my first coat, I did a second coat this evening - looks more even now.
Glad the screen caps are helpful. This is going to be very cool.

Scott Girvan said:
I haven't seen the movie and therefore I have no reference -

Seriously? Rent the extended version. The scene of the refit in dry dock is amazing.
dbhs said:
The scene of the refit in dry dock is amazing.

Got to agree. For me it was a Sci Fi jaw dropper. Still, far and away my favourite Enterprise.

Quick update. The paint is almost done, a few small touch-ups to the red base coat (good learning experience, painted all of the details by hand with a brush & Vallejo) and then on to the decals. Hoping to clear coat Friday & start the decals over the week-end.

Speaking of the decals, I'm looking for a little feed back from you guys; last time I did a Star Trek / Polar Lights /Round 2 kit it was a Klingon Battle cruiser a few years ago. The decals on the cruiser gave me a lot of grief they seemed to be "brittle" and broke / fractured as I placed them on to the clear coat. Anyone working on a new 1:1000 Enterprise, Reliant or other Round 2 Star Trek kits having decal issues or comments? Something with sheets of big decals.
Didn't have any problems with the decals on my 1/1000 refit. Other than the fact there were so dang many of them, that is
Thanks Q. Did you use any setting solutions or decal solvents with those?
Hey guys, I finished up my gloss coats last Monday. Then started the decals last night. The pictures below are of the model just before the first decals.

The decaling has turned to be a horror-show (no surprise to me), of the six decals I got 2 placed without incident, two broke - but I managed to piece them back together, and two were totally mangled/destroyed as I tried to get them into the proper location. :-[

I'm using my typical procedure, Microset to wet the surface, slide the decal into postion, mop up the excess with a Q-tip, then hit it with Mircosol. Never had a problem with the decals I've done in the past, just the Polar Lights/Round 2 decals. Grrr.

Comments, ideas, help...

Well may as well fill out that Round 2 decal replacement request form... :p

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Try giving the decals a thin coat of clear paint. Might make them hold up better. Also, Micro scale makes a liquid decal solution, just for this type of thing. You brush it on and it helps to hold the decals together.
I've got to get some more Flat coat for my Lancaster, so I'll take a look next time I'm at the LHS.

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