Punk's Snowspeeder WIP in Studio Scale..YEHH!

yeh i like getting stumped sometimes and going to lengths to track dow intel and more decent pics. i have never seen these anywhere on the web . I just use the screen grabbing tool and took it right off a you tube clip of the film. it shows a couple of better and different angles of the cockpit.

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sorry for no updates all. ive been kinda blah and blue, but tonite im gonna start sanding up those parts!
Its a really nice kit. LOTS of crisp detail...still trying to decide if i should light it up or not as there is no lighting even on the engine ends except in the cockpit in the movie. anyone?
To light or not to light, that is the question....
You always do such great work, I am tempted to say light 'er up!
But, by the same token, it might be a lot of work for just a couple things to light up.
Aw heck! Light 'er up!
Instead of fibre optics, maybe you could just use a couple l.e.d.s?
can;t use a couple of LEDs only because if you see the screen grabs i posted ALL the lighting mostly is on the side walls of the cockpit tub. Alot of red blues and whites it seems. I'll probably do it. The scale is soo epic might as well.. I just wanted to really concentrate on the build instead of building around the lighting as usual. We shall see!
I say light her up. You have done such great work on the others, why not? Especially since it is only the cockpit tub you need to light up. Once done, you can concentrate on the rest of the model.
Light it up!

Light it up!

Light it up!

Light it up!

You know you want to. ;D
It's certainly your call.
Lighting would depend a lot on what kind of access you can get to the sidewalls
I know it's a lot of extra work to light it punk. Maybe you should ask yourself how you would feel in a few years if you did or didn't light it. You wouldn't want any regrets down the road on this monster kit. But, the process should still be enjoyable so...........
There is plenty of sidewall hidden to light her up from the ides as its hollow around it. Ill probably do it. its just a part of building a model that i dont enjoy and then i have to work around it. i like building then painting then my favorite...weathering! But at this point tonite, i am just a sanding machine. its soo big and with alot of parts. and i had to saw off alot of fat resin sprue some as big as an inch big. pffft!
In the end, what's important is to build her as you like.
If you don't like lighting, then don't.
ok she'll get some lights. I'll probably wish i did later so..i'll suck it up...
UPDATE: finally almost done sanding and cleaning the parts..nothing exciting to show. but tomorrow i glue some stuff and maybe primer some stuffs. pics then!
Finally have an update and pics for you guys! After some tedious cutting and sanding of parts i must say this can assemble together super easily and fast like a simple puzzle or lego. the engines are glued in place as well as the rear harpoon gun plate and the rear engine plate. See how detailed it is even before you put in the rear cooling fins that basically cover that all up.
Also the cockpit is bursting with detail and gear. I did not glue in the cockpit walls or consoles yet as i will need to paint those parts first otherwise the pai nt won't reach some of the detailing. SO what you see cockpit and canopy wise is just a mock up. enjoy!

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