Printable WWII aircraft carrier deck . . .


New Member
May 28, 2013
Hey guys. I created this for my Trumpeter 1/32 Wildcat base. I printed it on 12x18 super tabloid-size paper (no scaling). Sprayed it with dullcoat and grimed it up a little more with pastels/airbrush. Came out pretty good. Free for anyone who needs it (If you need a higher-res version, I can email you a PDF directly.) If there's interest, I can also upload a "clean" version with just the natural wood color and no weathering.
Here’s the graphic applied to an oak base I created for the model. I printed it on high-quality semi-gloss paper and glued that to cardstock. I then cut out the sections of deck and re-glued them to another piece of cardstock to better simulate seams between the sections. I also scored the rows of individual planks with a straight edge (It sounds more complicated than it actually was . . . I spent a grand total of perhaps an hour and a half on this part.) The whole piece was then glued to the base, dullcoated, and worked over with ground-up black pastel chalk to deepen the color and simulate grime.

I’m actually very satisfied with the way it came out, especially given that the only thing it cost me was a little time--when I could have easily paid as much for a base as I did for the model that will be sitting on it.


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